The Enigma Order

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#1 2008-11-01 22:22:57

From: Copenhagen, Denmark
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 1448

WOTLK application: Kelthalas - Mage

Seeing as i've been inactive for the past few months i figured it would be best to do things this way to clear things up 100%.

Who am I ?
Name: Morten Jensen
Age: 21
Country: Denmark
Occupation/work: Studying

Activity level:
Compared to earlier, my activity will be a bit lower, since i'll be treating wow for what it is; a game. I'm studying for an engineering degree in chemistry, so there bit be periods close to exams where my activity level will be quite low.

What days can you raid, and for how long.
I'll be committing myself to 2 raids per week if accepted as a raiding member again. I can in theory raid every day of the week. My spare time work will however overlap some days, but statistically, it will be less than 1 raiding day per month. raiding times won't be any problems unless TEO starts raiding until the sun rises smile

My character:
Kelthalas - Gnome Mage

Talent spec:
Seeing as blizzard will probably bring a lot of balancing patches within the first months of WotLK, I have no idea what my spec will be at lvl 80. I will, as the rest of the mages, go along with whatever spec deals most dmg / most contributing to a raid.

Reputation with the most relevant factions
I doubt retail and/or tbc factions will do me much in WotLK, but I'll be grinding rep with factions needed.

Notable alts:
Sakurai - lvl 70 Druid
Smulder - lvl 65 (will be lvl'ing him soon'ish) Dwarf Priest

Enchanting 375 / Jewelcrafting 375 (will be dropping enchanting for mining when i have my epic wand)

Skinning 375 / leatherworking 364

Mining 375 / tailoring 372 (will be dropping mining for enchanting)

Whatever loot that finds its way to me smile

My WoW history:
Would make the app. a wall of text and crit everyone for over a million dmg, so a quick summary:

started in the beta.
joined a raiding guild and got half way thought MC
guild fell apart and i joined another guild and got through MC
joined TEO in april 2006

Do you know anyone in TEO?
I'd say I know a few big_smile

What can you bring to TEO, why should we consider taking you back to our raiding core?
A good dmg dealer that know what to do after 3+ years of wow wink and as most of you know, i'll gladly help if somebody needs help with a quest or a boost *cough* rageo *cough* tongue I'd also like to think that i could contribute to the friendly and well know social aspect of TEO.

Ambitions within TEO
To see as much WotLK content as possible while in the guild i know so well and have a lot ppl I enjoy playing and chatting with.

Reason for your TEO application
To make my situation clear, and to announce that I'd like to get back in the raiding core again

What is you characters "/played"?
Kelthalas:  ~125 days
Sakurai: < 20 days
Smulder < 20 days

Already installed and working. Even got a working mic and all smile but i'll leave the occasional singing to others big_smile

What is your raiding experience?
Full MC, BWL, ZG, AQ20, AQ40 (C'thun p2), Naxx (Instructor Razz, Anub, Maexxna), Onyxia

ZA (full), Karazhan (full), TK (full), Magtheridon, Gruul, SSC (full) MH (full), BT (8/9)

no expierience, didn't play the beta

Do you have any other significant gaming experience?
Had a computer since the age of 3 and I've played waaaay to much CS, Diablo II, C&C series and Heroes of Might and Magic.

My computer:

Processor: Intel Q9450 2,66GHz
Memory: 4GB DDR2 RAM
Monitor:  22" Samsung 226CW
Video Card:  nVIDIA GeForce 9800GTX
OS:  Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit SP1

Did I forget anything ?

Last edited by Kelthalas (2008-11-03 03:49:39)

Kelthalas 85 / Smulder 85 / Mizna 85 / Sakurai 80

"And what's the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge." - Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) ~Cosplay photography~



#2 2008-11-02 00:00:40

From: Denmark
Registered: 2007-05-29
Posts: 641

Re: WOTLK application: Kelthalas - Mage

Should i dare to say welcome back m8?? big_smile

Sic Vic Pacem Para Bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war

aka. Nagamemnon



#3 2008-11-02 11:21:15

Guild Member
From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2005-08-11
Posts: 2964

Re: WOTLK application: Kelthalas - Mage

Kelt! big_smile

They call it soft porn cos it doesn't get you hard



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