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Name: Tobias
Age: 15 (16 in 1 month)
Country: Denmark
Occupation/work: Going to school, and I have this nice, quite job at a cinema. Working 25-35 hours / month.
Activity level: Ill be able to join 2/3 raids / week - Depending on which time on the year ofcourse, ill have to read up to my examens
Your character
Name: Bigthunter
Class: Hunter - Survival
Armory link: … Bigthunter (Might be in pvp gear)
Professions: Mining/Engineering 450
Previous guilds: During Wotlk I've been in Paradox, a social / friendly guild, raiding the 10man raids alone, and 25man with BotW. I've been their Hunter CL for the last month's-time, and i'm sad to see it fall apart like this. But i'm looking forward, hoping to continue playing this game with decent and nice players.
Ambitions within a guild:
First of all, have fun, which is IMO the most important thing within this game. And ofcourse making a good progress while maintaining a nice and social atmosphere
Reason for your TEO application:
Sadly, Paradox has stopped raiding, since we've had too many inactive people, and they lost the focus within raids. I don't want to miss the new instances in Wotlk, and I've always though that the people within TEO has been nice and friendly, also TEO seems like the perfect guild for me.
Do you know anyone in TEO?
Tanduli, Jayb and Lamme (not IRL >.>) been in guild with Tanduli during the start of TBC.
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?
I'm always ready to sacrifice for my guildies, I help if you need it, I come prepared for the raids, and I always give 120 %. I'm usualy easy to come around with since i'm active during the day, and not just when raiding. Apart from PvE, i'm also into Pvp, i enjoy doing arena, and normal BG's with friends, and I'm good at it! (Pinchy learned me some trickz)
Naxx done on 10 and 25, missing the 2 last bosses in 25man tho. (Wont be a problem for me to kill them) VoA on 10/25, Sarth on 10/25, Malygos on 10. It's not the best I know... But I'm a quick learner, and as I mentioned, I'm always willing to sacrifice time or something, for more exp.
I raided everything but Sunwell during TBC. (haven't killed Illidan tho)
Hope you got everything you wanted to know, otherwise you'r always welcome to /w me in-game.
I want to thank you taking you'r time to read my apply.
Regards from BigT.
one of the better applications ive read in a long time, good luck friend
nice guy. got my vote
catch me today (Wednesday) in game in the evening and we'll talk numbers (be in pve spec, but don't bother with buffs).
See you then And thanks for the fast replies