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1: You
Name: Tero
Age: 26
Country: Finland
Occupation/work: dunno wot its called in english but i make magazines and newspapers
e-mail (optional)
Activitylevel - How many times do you play per week, and for how long? i do play like every day and some days all day... nerd? nah, just seminerd.
2: Your character
Name, class, race, gender.
Belgauden, mage, human, male
3: Gear
Your current gear in a profile (allakhazam/ctprofile). … =Belgauden
my gear doesnt yet count to your requirements, but been @80 now 4 days and workking on it every hc:s etc etc...
4: Guild
Previous guilds, and a short description of them:
so ive played horde allmost 2years now allmost the same grp @chromaggus. recent guild was/is Sade cleared ulduar25 few times, i personally havent knock down yoggi but have been at the starttingwipes with Juoppohullu 1 of the MT:s of Sade.
We r fully finland grp and communicating was easy but summerslack got us or something, hard to get raids up so i got few up with it...
Reason for your TEO application:
well i had this mage sitting in if @silvermoon and tryed to lvl it up every now and then but didnt get the kicks out of it...
talkked to Eilwen and he suggested that i would transfer it here and he helps lvling it and startted to get the kicks!
now im looking for a raid guild and Eilwen suggested to make apply to TEO, heard only good things about u guys and have been contacted with the finnish populations in TEO.
Do you know anyone in TEO?
Eilwen, known him like the 1st day of wow or something and as i posted upper been contacted the fin ppl in TEO: Kaini, Zengu mm and some others...
What can you bring to TEO, why should we invite you?
i know all the boss tactics and drills of nowadays wow hc modes r worth workking for so wiping aint a prob for me.
i do play a lot so activity is uberleet!
5: Game
What is you characters "/played"?
56d 16h atm
What is your raiding experience?
all the bosses in all of the instances!!
have few other chars but most recent achievements is from Juoppohullu @chromaggus
there, i think there is most needed answers to u but if u come up with something, /w me ingame or ask here!
my thumbs up for this guy.Know him irl and from long time ingame.I guess he lacks some gear atm but he hasn't been 80 for long with this char.I say yes for him to join us.
thanks for the application, we will get back to you shortly.
Played once in Oculus with Belgauden, seems to know what he does. Good damage considdering gear.
At the moment several of our mages seem to have gone inactive, so i think it's safe to say we can atleast test you out, and see what you're good for
Whisper me or any of the officers for invite.