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Name, nationality and age: Jani Lindqvist, Finreaver stuff, 20
Character Class: Hunter
Total amount of days spent ingame: Hmm. with paladin/hunter got like 100days together
Computer, and internet stability details: comp doesn't make a player, but cappable raiding, and never dc'es
Talent build (Main and Secondary): Survival MM(os)
Equipment (Armory link): ... &cn=Iceruz
Professions, and the reason for each: Skinning/LW
For mm spec i got ap enchants, and for skinning i just get 40crit
But i have thought to change 2 LW/Jewelcrafting
Availability Im availible everyday, raided with gnakilya 5times in week 2. Weekend are the tough ones, cause have 2 spent time with girlfriend. So got something in real life to
Raiding experience: MC/BWL/AQ20/AQ40/Onyxia
Onyxia/Naxxramas/Malygos/Toc/Togc4/5/ICC25 8/9
Former guild(s), and the reason for leaving:In TBC, i was Officer of guild named Koden, where we raided SSC/TK/MH/BT. We worked by then trough and trough ssc/tk challenges, and moving up to Mount Hyjal and Black Temple. I left the guild in the reason that i was going to army. Gnakilya is finnish guild. I was there playing with my irl friends, and going some challenges, but i decided that the guild is not for me cause there was bad athmosphere.
About me and you - My account is created 12/08/05 i have played all versions of WoW. I have dedicated a lot of things for the game. Im interesting to join The Engima Order, cause ure progressing as the same level that i am. I have done the things that u have, so i can easiely catch up ure kinda tactics and stuff, that ure doing. And what it comes to me. I give u a social player who can push up the feelings in the raids, and get the spirit up even if theres a tough challenges in different encounters. Im allways reading and learning about the game so i can give advices for the encounters.
Thanks for the application, but I'll need to turn you down at this stage.