The Enigma Order

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#1 2010-01-30 18:53:03

Uncertified member
Registered: 2010-01-30
Posts: 3

hello :) lvl 80 paladin tank named Kunti

Hello Enigma, I was not able to find any template from your site, so gonna copy paste another (Im sure it will be just as good)

Personal Information
Name: Jeppe Andersen
Age: 19
Location: Denmark
Time Zone: Same as Server, so no problem to raid untill midnight server time.

Sunday: Available all day
Monday: 4PM - Midnight
Tuesday: 4PM – Midnight
Wednesday: 4PM – Midnight
Thursday: 4PM – Midnight
Friday: Available all day
Saturday: Available all day

World of Warcraft Information
Character Name: Kunti / was named before as Harus
Class: Paladin
Server: Recently transfered, so still fresh meat on Stormreaver.
Talents: My main specc is protection, But i have gear for both Holy and Retri, so tell me before raid, And I can have the best offspecc with me to raid.
Previous Guilds: I havent had any serious guilds since TBC, Only been raiding Casual, with a friend of mine from Cartel, and thats what Enigma hopefully gonna change for me.
Reason for Leaving: I simply started to lack time, when we changed to 6-7 days raiding a week when Sunwell pre-nerf was released, so forced myself to go into Casual rank from Core member some months, and then left when wowlk was released, and now I ended up here on Stormreaver, and looking for new guild to support and progress with.

Class Experience: Tell us how experienced at your class you are. lets say it this way, i played my paladin, the same paladin since wow came out smile then i had some alts, but nothing big, the only char i got in lvl 80 is my paladin

Raiding Experience: What has been your raiding experience in World of Warcraft? Have you full cleared MC through Naxxramas or do you only have BC experience in Tempest Keep. Are you a veteran raider or a beginning raider? A big plus are players who have experience deep into Sunwell (ie. defeated M'uru, Kil'jaeden -- pre nerf (3.0) of course). Let us know. i was in a really nice guild called nightmare souls in lvl 60, we cleared MC, aq20, aq40, bwl, i did some in naxx, but never did c turn in lvl 60, then, in lvl 70 i did all raids expect sunwell, i did half BT before any nerf, and in lvl 80 i just have been causel with my friends, pugs, and i had 1 good guild when naxx and uldaur was out, but never did so good in uldaur, but i can all tacs and every boss, aswell hardmodes in ulduarr almost done them all, expect proffesor and festergut, and rotface, Also lack Blood Wing expirence, but seen Tankspot for all.

PVP Experience. I played arena alot in lvl 70, i was 2300 rating, with holy paladin and rogue, i also played bg´s in lvl 60 alot, got a good pvp rank, almost exalted with all bgs, i did it all smile

Last edited by kunti (2010-01-31 18:01:44)



#2 2010-01-31 20:50:02

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: hello :) lvl 80 paladin tank named Kunti

Thanks for the application.




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