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Personal information - A little about yourself
Name: Joakim Lindeberg.
Age: 16.
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden.
Additional information: Hello there, as written down allready my name is Joakim Lindeberg, and I'm 16 years old. I am at the moment in my first year at upper secondary school, and on my spare time I like to hang out with my friends, play different sports, and play computer games, like Starcraft and WoW .
Character information - A little about your character
Name: Allysah.
Race: Human (To be Worgen in Cata).
Class: Death Knight.
Spec: 3/31/2 (Frost dual-wield DPS dk!).
Armory link: … cn=Allysah
What is your talent build (Main and Secondary)?: My main talent build is Frost, which I play because It's rare, important and fun. my secondary build is Unholy PvP, which is just some spec I cooked up myself.
Would you mind respeccing for the benefit of the guild?: Yes, I would have no problems with that at all. I have good experience in playing both Blood and Unholy, but I doubt Blood would be a choice nowadays .
Which professions do you have, and why did you choose those?: I choose JC and BS, because these were the two best professions before, now Engineering is probably better tho, but its alot of RNG.
Do you have any resistance gear?: Not right now, no, but I would have no problems getting any if I wanted to.
Are you the original user of the account?: Yes.
Has your account ever been hacked?: Nope.
Do you have any active alts?: Well, I do play on my lvl 80 Warlock, which is horde on another server, some, other than that I just level some alts when I want to, only got two 80s and that is my lock and DK. My Warlock is scrubby geared and my DK is by far my main.
General Information
Which raids and bosses have you encountered and defeated?:
Vanilla: No experience.
TBC: (in no particular order).
Karazhan: Cleared.
Zul'Aman: Cleared.
Gruul's Lair: Cleared
Magtheridon's Lair: Cleared
SSC: 5/6
The Eye: 2/4
Hyjal: 4/5
BT: 7/9
SwP: No bosses made, until WotLK.
WotLK: (in no particular order)
Naxxramas: Cleared.
VoA: Cleared (Duh) .
EoE: Cleared.
OS: Cleared, 2/3 25 man, 3/3 10.
Ulduar: Cleared.
Onyxia's Lair: Cleared
ToC: Cleared
ToGC: Cleared 10 man, 4/5 25 man.
ICC: Cleared normal, 11/12 both 10 and 25 man. have gotten LK to about 60 %
RS: Cleared normal, 70% aroundish heroic 25.
What are your goals with WoW?: My goals with WoW is to combine the two components of fun and serious raiding, to see the full content, and by still doing so, having fun with my guildies. I want a relaxed atmosphere.
What is the reason for leaving your current/last guild?: The reason for me, leaving my old guild, called Sanatorium, is that we're disbanding.
Which guild(s) have you been in before?: Here comes the wall of text crit! Alright, it all started of with me starting to play WoW at TBC, whereas I joined the 10 man guild called The Enigma, on another server, called Neptulon. I played with this guild for whole of TBC, and all of the 25 man experiences I have from TBC I actually got with pugging with my friends in Enigma. In late TBC, we free migrated to Shattered Halls, and when WotLK came, the guild disbanded and I joined another guild called Silvermoon Praetorians. With them I did all of Naxxramas and 2/3 OS 25. we progressed 3/3, but never got it down, sadly. After that guild also had expanded, I joined Molten Chorus which was just a little funsy 10 man guild, we did Ulduar. After that experience I decided I wanted a little bit more core than that, and joined a guild called Momentum. with them I did alot of content such as all of Ulduar and 4/5 ToGC. Here was the first time I decided to leave a guild myself, and I migrated to Stormreaver, and joined The Conspiracy, a small 10 man guild which later came to merge with Sanatorium, to do ICC, in which we got 11/12 icc 25 heroic down. Now that Sanatorium is disbanding, I've decided I'm a little bit more core than what will be left over, a total social guild which will probably not raid at all.
Post connection result from
Do you have Ventrilo?: Ofcourse.
How comfortable are you using a microphone?: No problems at all.
Post us a screenshot of your userinterface: … 173201.jpg
Why I want to join The Enigma Order: I want to join TEO because I want to see content, meet new, and nice people which knows how to combine fun with raiding.
What can The Enigma Order expect from me: A dedicated raider which plays the game because it is fun, and always will. Always coming prepared for raids, meaning having flasks (food buffs, if needed), reading up on his class and doing good dps.
Just a little bit more patience. A day or 2.
Terribly sorry it took that long, but we were trying really hard to fit you into our ranks. Sadly, given the ratio of melee/range players we have at this point, it just wouldn't be right to get yet more folks of your role.
Sadly, declined