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Name: Jape
Age: 21
Location: Finland
Internet: 24M/1M
Computer: 2009 summer bought new computer and spent kinda alot money on it so it works!
Mapex: protection / fury warrior … pex/simple
Wow history:
I started playing wow in the fall of 2005, started as warrior called Mapex. Shortly after I had started leveling up I joined a guild called Ancient warriors. I hit lvl 60 in about 2 months time when bough the game ( yes i was slow at leveling back then) and shortly after had gotten some gear from normal dungeons I was able to join MC raids. When i had obtained better gear I was ready for the challenges in blackwing lair. After clearing of Blackwing lair I managed to down all bosses in AQ20 but sadly my self I only saw first boss in AQ40 when I was lvl 60 and only took a little look in Naxxramas back then but did not actually killed anything.
When burning crusade hit the stores I sadly could not start leveling up straight away so I hit lvl 70 little laterthan most of the players, but that did not stop my raiding progess a lot. I geared my self pretty quickly for karazhan and after that I was practising to killing Gruul and magtheradon, which did not proven to be much of a challenge. In Serpent shrine caverns and tempest keep the eye Lady Vash and Keal appeared to be too powerfull foes for me and my guild to beat at that time. And sadly we did not managed to fully conquer Black temple and had to settle for the first 4 bosses. Sun well I only dreamed about killing bosses there at lvl 70.
Wrath of the lichking expansion hit the stores kinda bad time for me since I was at the time doing my military service, so I had only the weekends to level up and getting gear from heroics. But after getting out from army I had more time to gear up and do raids so I started to getting pretty well geared. I had Naxxramas fully conquered, also had slain sartharion and his/hers minions, Malygos proved to be a worthy adversary but still managed to get to best of him. Ulduar provided us with new challenges which we managed to beat up to algalon. When Trial of the crusade was released the path between me and ancient warrior were separated and I seek new challenges with guild called Gnakilya, where We managed to please Tirion Fordring so much that got 4 bosses killed in heroic version( had anub killed on heroic a little later). In Ice crown citadel we faced Lichking with the force of 10 brave heroes and managed to defeat him. Sadly short after this great victory guild got in a mess when leader left the guild and shortly after 15 other core raid members which ment for me to search a new guild. I seek shelter in newly formed guild called Third of March where we continued ICC raid progess killing 10 bosses on 25man version. Sadly this guild also got in to some trouples when guild leader acted recklessly and dispended guild when changing to horde side. After this trage I got the opportunity to ranks with Exploding Labrats where I succesfully killed 11 bosses on heroic in 25man ICC.
Now that Cata has been realesed I leveld my self up to 85 with Axc, we dinged late on tuesday and after that I have been gearing up my self in heroic instances ignoring sleep as much as humanly possible and now i have gathered kinda ok gear. And I that that is all about the history of Wow what I have done.
MC: clear
AQ40: first boss
Naxx:saw first boss
Zul aman:clear
SSC: last boss alive
TK: last boss alive
BT: 4 bosses dead
Sun well: no comment
Naxx 10 / 25 : clear
OS 10/25 +3d :clear
EoE 10/25 : clear
Ulduar 10/25 : clear
ToC 10/25 heroic : clear
ICC10man 12/12 heroic
ICC25man 11/12 heroic
Friends in Enigma order:
Tyler, was my class leader in ancient warriors. Axc , johnreaper from AW
Why do I want to join?
Looking for a nice raiding guild for cataclysm, where can raid with nice people who expect some progress as well and raiding with nice attitude as well. I can offer patient tank / dps who will learn from mistakes and take criticism and also give comments about bosses and such.
Waiting for reply, with regards
Thanks for the application, we will get back to you in few days.
Hey Mappe, sorry for kepping you waiting. I will have an answer for you by the end of this week. Hopefully before.