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Name: Tuomas autio
Age: 21
Location: Finland
Nationality: Finnish
Occupation: chief
Former guilds:
Laid back legends
Twilight sentinels
Dark Ritual
Why did I leave my latest guild ( Dark ritual)?I kept 2month holiday
Raiding Experience in Cata:
BoT: 4/4 + 2on HC
BWD: 6/6 + 5on HC
ToF: 2/2 1on HC
Well,all knows that hunter is faceroll class,but ill use only 3-5buttons to get high dps,steady shot,chimera,aimed shot and more steady shot ,thats it:P
What do I do besides playing WoW?
Playing all others games,sometimes,im watching movies & tv series alot,and im hanging out with my friends
My PC:
Intel Core Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz 2,0GB RAM
Nvidia GeForce 8600GT
Internet connection,3mb,very rarely dc.
my Gear: … nny/simple
Let me know if theres missing something.
Cheers. Jénny
Jenny wrote:
Well,all knows that hunter is faceroll class