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Name: Jonas Jřrgensen
Age: 19
Country: Denmark
Character Info:
Race: Orc (Planning to become Human or Worgen)
Class: Death Knight
Spec: 4/31/6
Professions: Blacksmith and Inscription giving me good enchants
Armory Link: … %a1/simple
Alts: I've got 8 level 85's. but well they are all horde so wont matter much really
Raiding Experience:
i did'nt player there
The Burning Crusade:
i started play in TBC and mostly did PvP but at the end i joined colour and started with some good raiding 25man
i played warrior in WotLK cleared naxx,ulduar, ToTc and icc aswell ( only normal and some HM )
I've cleared Blackwing Descent, Throne of the Four Winds and Bastion of Twillight and some on HC
Firelands i got 6/7 hc and 6% on ragnaros HC
Dragon Soul my guild was number 5 on server to clear on normal
Additional Information:
my plan is to switch to alliance with my friend from horde side if im getting accept from guild. we are switching side because we wanna try something new and see what alliance got to offer.
i can raid every day almost 18:00-23:00
can use any kind of Teamspeak,vt and mumble.
Delegá the awesome
Hello and thanks for the application. We would be more than happy to offer you a test period. Please contact me once you become a member of the alliance.
If, upon faction change, you'd decide to go draenei, it would be double gain for us.