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Personal Information
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: UK
Occupation: Student
How good is your English: Fluent
Anything else about you, the person, we might be interested in:
Doing a Game / Computer Science course ^^
Character Information
Nickame: Akrilix
Armory Link: … x/advanced
Mainspec: Combat
Offspec: Assassination
Professions: Engineering & Enchanting
Please provide a WoL log presenting your awesomeness (this helps loads):
I am new to the realm so I can't provide anything recent since charts stay up for a limited period.
Regardless of its quality (ilvl), is you gear fully taken care of? Safe for some specific cases (eg. an item about to be replaced next week), we expect everything to be gemmed, enchanted and reforged optimally.
Yeap - all gemmed and enchanted with some exceptions like not the shado pan Wep enchants but will put them on if I dont get a better weapon before raids.
Tell us about your alts (armory links included), how good are you with them:
Not an alt fan...
Raiding Experience (be thourough here, the more information you give us, the better; both pre-Cataclysm and present progress is interesting for us; tell us about previous guilds):
I started raiding seriosly back in Early ICC (wotlk) Since we were still young and not brainwashed enough yet. I was in a semi hardcore guild "Arduum" on Burning Legion. We cleared almost everything for the time. Raided throughout the whole cataclysm in different guilds but more seriously when FL came out where me and a few other friends formed "Dreamers" on Lightning's Blade and managed to be in the top 5 guilds in terms of progression for the time.
What attendence should we realistically expect from you (for the sake of clarity, please note that while our Monday and Thursday raids start at 19.30, the Sunday one starts at 18.45):
These days are perfect for me and as long as it is in the evenings its all good.
Any external factors affecting activity we ought to know about (in particular, any of the days we are raiding at that does not suit you):
Nothing specific for now. I have stuff to do but not these particular days.
At this point of time, how long do you expect you will continue playing WoW:
Unfortunately our generation decided to spend their childhood playing Blizzard's "crap" so I can't imagine myself quitting .. permanently.
Why are you good at playing your class (don't qoute Elitist Jerks, don't give us the stuff every semi decent guide holds; convince us you're good your own way):
Well back in the days I used to spend a fair amount of time reading about my class and changes but at this point I don't think I could read anything I have't encountered so I am basically squeezing the most out of my gear and class.
What do you consider the most significant pros and cons of your class/spec in the current state of affairs:
They haven't changed much since Cata in terms of how the specs perform although I would say they did give us a boost in return to some lost talents.
When approaching new content, a fight that both you and the raid will try for the first time, how do you prepare (be precise here, "I read tactics on internet" doesn't cut it; we seen our share of players who" knew tactics for all bosses" and then failed miserably in terms of actual preparations):
Everyone looks at the fight but to be honest the best way to learn is to take a few wipes. Its not about knowing what to do but rather to get some first hand experience.
Tell us about a single fight where you had some particular assignment, what it was, how you approached it, what research did you do (a good example for dps players used to be Spine of Deathwing heroic).
Ah spine, well since we all follow top guilds like Paragon and Method what I do usually is follow a few of their top players(rogues that is) and check the fights from their perspective if possible, positioning, Glyphs, talents. And of course the tricky parts about the fights which are mostly found on EJurks's rogue forum which I enjoy visiting every now and then since a lot of people post decent tricky info about encounter mechanics and dos and don'ts for the particular fight.
Why are you applying to The Enigma Order, what made you choose us, when and where did you first hear about us:
I am applying along with my irl friend Exfiler and since we have been looking for a 25 man guild for quite some time I think this is a good chance to join a nice competitive group of players.
What do you expect from us, as a guild:
A growing DBM boss kills statistic :D:D
Please confirm that you have read and understood our rules and they are ok for you (yes, this is our way to ensure we're not asked somewhat silly questions that are already answered in writing at the Rules section of the forum):
Yeap all good.
When unsure about any aspect of the game, be that tactics, class specific assignments, how do you proceed:
Well, it never hurts to ask does it :)
Why do you play WoW, what are your objectives, why commit more than 10 hours a week to a computer game:
Good question, Honestly as I said this has been the main source of entertainment since we were like 14 o.O so its like we spent a part of our live here. Blame it on blizzard. You can't explain why, its just there... Call it the WOW constant.
Is there anything else you would like to include that may assist your application.
wow joke
Your momma is so fat, when I shadowstep her I get a loading screen. :P My fav
Hardware/Connection (we assume your computer and connection are fit for raiding, only tell us about out of oridinary stuff):
Got a decent laptop with an external monitor it handles 25 man encounters with like 30-40 fps during the actual fights so its pretty sweet. My net is fine and I am close to France ^^
Last edited by Akrilix (2012-10-19 06:59:49)
Thanks for the application, we will get back to you before next reset.