The Enigma Order

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#1 2013-04-05 00:05:34

Guild Member
Registered: 2013-04-04
Posts: 16

Wushka - Worgen Warlock - accepted


Age: 25
Gender: Male
Country: Denmark
Occupation: Search Enegine Optimisation/Marketing consultant (Computer nerd)
How good is your english: Pretty good
Anything else about you, the person, we might be interested in:
I'm one of those Geeks you've heard about, like to talk about computers, decent programmer.


Nickame: Wushka
Armory Link: … a/advanced
Mainspec: Destro
Offspec: Affli
Professions: Tailor/Enchant

Regardless of its quality (ilvl), is you gear fully taken care of? Safe for some specific cases (eg. an item about to be replaced next week), we expect everything to be gemmed, enchanted and reforged optimally. We will likely consult your profile with Mr. Robot. If you're doing something different than it indicates, please explain the reasoning.

Personally i disagree with Mr. Robot quite often, it doesn't use the correct stat weights for warlocks and its treshhold settings lack in features/usability. that out of the way, i allways gem/enchant, even if i expect to replace an item next week, and i reforge almost daily to see if i can better it somehow.

Do you get enough valor on a weekly basis to upgrade your gear as much as possible?

I cap every week

What do you consider the most significant pros and cons of your class/spec in the current state of affairs:
Warlocks biggest pro is the versatility, considering we're casters we have the posibility to offtank, we can CC the hell out of stuff, our pets bring a multitude of abilities (dispell, intterupts, shields, CC) to the team and we can focus DPS on more than one Target if needed.
As of writing i find it hard to find a con to the class, i guess we are kinda squishy if people get close in PvP, but compared to Mages its hard to rectify that claim.

Tell us about your alts (armory links included), how good are you with them:
I haven't really lvl'ed any alts in MoP, my Mage Averyman ( … n/advanced) is the only lvl 90 i have, and i don't really plan on playing it alot.


Please provide a WoL log presenting your awesomeness. In absence of logs, post screenshots of recount/skada from an encounter of the current tier.
Without this, you will most likely be rejected.
Damn, i don't really have any WoLs from this tier, i've been in a rather "unprofessional" guild so far for ToT. No screenies either but i'll reply to this thread with some if i get into any raids.
DPS is consistently over 100k in ToT normal.
Video of my Guilds First JinRok kill (not from my POV):
i promise i've improved since then^^

Which pve addons do you use?

Chinchilla Minimap
Shadowed Unit Frame
Tidy Plates

Show us your UI.

In combat on dummies in shrine,  note the FPS

Raiding Experience (be thourough here, the more information you give us, the better; both pre-MoP and present progress is interesting for us; tell us about previous guilds):

I've been raiding since BC. Back then i Raided on my Undead Shadow Priest on Darkspear, where i made it as far as Kalecgos pre nerf, post nerf we got Brutallus but got stuck on Felmyst.
In WotLK i cleared Naxx 25 on the SP and some of Ulduar (can't remember exactly how much) before i rerolled to my warlock, with which i cleared Ulduar 10 and 25 except Yogg 25. Cleared ToC 10 and 25, with some tribute runs aswell. Cleared ICC 25, but "only" got to 11/12 HC.
In cataclysm the guild jumping started, so i can't quite remember who i cleared what with. I cleared BWD, TotfW and Bastion on normal 10, cleared  FL 10 Norm and got HC kills on Shannox, Alyz, Rhyo and Majordomo before DS came out, in DS all the guilds i joined seemed to fall apart so i didn't get to clear it on normal until very late in the patch, and i only got three HC kills (Morchok and the Tentacle faces) before the Expo ended (a few 5% wipes on Ultra, but that doesn't really count) .
In MoP i was with Forte Fortuna Juvat for 5.0, we got all the normal content down and 4 HC kills in MsV (Elegon, Garajal, Stone Guards and Feng). For 5.2 i shifted to some friends guild, but their drive fell out rather quickly so we only made it to 3/12 on Normal before the guild fell apart.

What attendence should we realistically expect from you (for the sake of clarity, please note that while our Monday and Thursday raids start at 19.30, the Sunday one starts at 18.45). If you can't make it on any of our raiding days on a general basis, do not apply.
I allways like to write 100% to questions like this, but i do have a social life so let's make it the more believable 85-90% smile

Any external factors affecting activity we ought to know about (some flexibility applies, but we really want players able to join all 3 raids a week):
None that i can think of.

Why are you good at playing your class (don't qoute Elitist Jerks, don't give us the stuff every semi decent guide holds; convince us you're good your own way):

Never been good at selling myself (i'm a west jude, it should mean something to your danish members tongue), but i'll give it a shot.
I allways keep myself up to date on the changes to my class and i try out quite a bit of the unorthodoks speculation that roams the forums (Demonles Demolock, not so far out there as you might think^^).
I don't stick to what the theory sites "dictate" is the optimal way to play way, but i adapt what knowledge they have to my own playing style.
I understand the synergies in my class stats and it's spells, and i follow and study some of the top locks in the game (Evrelia, Sparkuggz)
Truth be told though, i don't consider myself one of the best warlocks, but i'm constantly bettering myself, both as a player and as a warlock.

When approaching new content, a fight that both you and the raid will try for the first time, how do you prepare (be precise here, "I read tactics on internet" doesn't cut it; we seen our share of players who" knew tactics for all bosses" and then failed miserably in terms of actual preparations):

Well that's a tought one, usually i check out TankSpot and Fatboss' guides (if available), and read some of the notes from MMO-Champion, but how much i study each encounter varries some.
I haven't done alot of PTR testing of Raids, but if the guild, as a whole, does stuff like that i'd be more than up for it.


Why are you applying to The Enigma Order, what made you choose us, when and where did you first hear about us:
Your progress (although a bit ahead of my own) seems to fit my skill.
You're an active 25 man guild which is a major factor for me. 25 man is just more epic tongue

What do you expect from us, as a guild:
An Active Guild, i hope to see alot of people online outside of raid times.
Top notch Raiding ofc.

Please confirm that you have read and understood our rules and they are ok for you (yes, this is our way to ensure we're not asked somewhat silly questions that are already answered in writing at the Rules section of the forum):
Confirmed, and i'll be reviewing them if i have any questions later on

When unsure about any aspect of the game, be that tactics, class specific assignments, how do you proceed:
"To the Forums", usually i ask in guildchat while i'm doing a bit of research online, either on wowhead, mmo-champ or where ever google takes me.

Why do you play WoW, what are your objectives, why commit more than 10 hours a week to a computer game:
Honestly because it's so damn adictive, there's also quite a deep story which has taken a strong hold on me aswell and the community is just awesome (if we look past the harassers, bots, racists, sexists and other general chat trolls).
It has the most content and the biggest budget of any MMO and even though alot of people disagree i think it shows.

Is there anything else you would like to include that may assist your application.
Can't really think of anything (i seem to have that problem alot huh^^)


Please post Speed Test results. Run it from your place to Frankfurt, Germany.

Give us a brief specification of your computer - enough to assure it can handle 25 man raids.
i5 3570@3,4GHz - 8GB RAM - 2xMSI GTX660 OC

Do you have a working microphone and are you able to connect to TS3 servers?
yes, used to Ventrillo though, so there might be a little newbing around with the settings the first time, but nothing that should affect the rest of you.

Should you be accepted, you will be asked to provide your cellphone number to the leading team. This is for the sake of on-going coordination, your number will not be made public nor used for anything not related to the game. Is this ok?
Yes, i think it's a great idea to have aditional means of contact between guildies.



#2 2013-04-05 00:13:14

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Wushka - Worgen Warlock - accepted

Thank you for the application, we will get back to you shortly.

One initial question - why would you hinder your performance greatly and play anything else than a gnome?



#3 2013-04-05 00:38:26

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Wushka - Worgen Warlock - accepted


It's a pleasure to read an application that has just about all the relevant information, on top of that written in proper english.



#4 2013-04-05 10:06:08

Guild Member
Registered: 2013-04-04
Posts: 16

Re: Wushka - Worgen Warlock - accepted

Awesome thx smile I'll whisper one of your officers ingame when i get online tonight smile



#5 2013-04-05 11:30:20

Guild Member
Registered: 2013-04-04
Posts: 16

Re: Wushka - Worgen Warlock - accepted

I seem to have tricked you, i'm actually a Gnome  in wolf's clothing big_smile



#6 2013-04-05 13:05:15

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Wushka - Worgen Warlock - accepted

a gnome in sheep's clothing, ingenious!



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