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Age: 23 years old
Gender: Male
Nationality: Danish
Occupation: Studying
How good is your English: Fluent
Anything else about you, the person, we might be interested in: I'm a bit of a gamer. I probably spend too much time on my computer
Nickame: Dreadz
BattleTag: Dreadzo#2458
Armory Link: … z/advanced
Mainspec: Survival
Offspec: Beast mastery
Professions: Engineering and enchanting
Regardless of its quality (ilvl), is you gear fully taken care of? Safe for some specific cases (eg. an item about to be replaced next week), we expect everything to be gemmed, enchanted and reforged optimally. We will likely consult your profile with Mr. Robot. If you're doing something different than it indicates (which is often the right things to do), please explain the reasoning.
What do you consider the most significant pros and cons of your class/spec in the current state of affairs:
Pros: Clearly the ability to do 100 % dmg on the move
Cons: Pet micromanagement - fights like immersious where the pet can despawn because of the range issues
Are any of your alts suit for raiding? If so, tell us about them and link armory profile:
My "old main" or whatever you wish to call it. … o/advanced
This is the character I've been playing throughout SoO and very little in ToT because I was asked to. I was finally asked to start raiding on my hunter again, and then they officers announced that we stopped raiding after last nights raid.
Please provide a WoL log presenting your awesomeness. In absence of logs, post screenshots of recount/skada from an encounter of the current tier.
Without this, you will most likely be rejected.
We havent logged anything lately as we have just run farm runs because of roster issues etc.
These are from a dummy though: … amageDone/
What's your best result in Prooving Grounds? This is especially valuable in case you cannot provide WoL log.
I've not really been doing much in Prooving grounds yet as I think its rather boring. Most likely gonna go for the achievement at some point.
Which pve addons do you use?
Shadowed UF
Show us your UI.
Raiding Experience (we're mostly interested in your achievements in the current expansion, but do impress us with previous experience if you feel it helps):
Cleared all content in current tiers (except kil'jaeden and algalon) - most of it on hardmode/heroic.
Currently 11/14 hc with a ton of attempts on Siegecrafter. People apparently had a bad time staying on the platform (such skill level required to not fuck up eh?)
What attendence should we realistically expect from you (for the sake of clarity, please note that while our Monday and Thursday raids start at 19.30, the Sunday one starts at 18.45). If you can't make it on any of our raiding days on a general basis, do not apply.
Any external factors affecting activity we ought to know about (some flexibility applies, but we really want players able to join all 3 raids a week):
Why are you applying to The Enigma Order, what made you choose us, when and where did you first hear about us:
I was looking for a guild with the same ish progress as we had. I wanted to step up to a 3 day raid scheduale again as two days feels too weak progress wise. I thought you looked like a good future home - taking WoD (SoonTM lol) into consideration.
Please confirm that you have read and understood our rules and they are ok for you (yes, this is our way to ensure we're not asked somewhat silly questions that are already answered in writing at the Rules section of the forum):
Is there anything else you would like to include that may assist your application?
I'm aware my gear is not really anything to show, but I'm not the average retard looking for a gear boost. I've got situational awareness, I'm able to handle criticism and show up well prepared etc.
Please post Speed Test results. Run it from your place to Frankfurt, Germany.
Is your computer good enough to handle 25 man heroic raids? If you only did 10 man and lfr until now, say so please.
Yes, its good enough. Looking to upgrade GFX card and to more RAM's in near future (not because its needed for wow though)
Do you have a working microphone and are you able to connect to TS3 servers?
Should you be accepted, you will be asked to provide your cellphone number to the leading team. This is for the sake of on-going coordination, your number will not be made public nor used for anything not related to the game. Is this ok?
Yea, no worries.
Hello and thank you for the application.
We will only have an answer for you at the end of the next reset (so around the end of March) since we have to sort out a situation with one other hunter first. If you would be able to get some more gear in that week, that would be very helpful, right now it's high enough for us to consider, but low enough to require some gearing up, which is something we'd rather avoid.
Hello Lamme,
Thank you for the quick respond.
My current guild has a said stopped raiding, but I'll try and see if I'm able to pick up a crossrealm raid (the whole server is pretty dead in all honesty).
Take your time though.
We have sorted out the situation with the mentioned hunter and I'm afraid as a result we do no longer have a spot opened for that class. Good luckin your guild search.