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Age: 20 - soon, like really soon 21 (04-06-2014)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Denmark
Occupation: Working at a warehouse/pharmaceutical company. (Selling medicin for pharmacist' and hospitals)
How good is your English: I've been getting 10-12 in grades since 8th grade, so it should be
Anything else about you, the person, we might be interested in: Well I'm a nice guy, really friendly if I have to say it myself. I'm not afraid to speak up or tell you what is on my mind. Honest and good hearted person I'd say
- Oh yea, and I can get you cheap drugs! JK
Nickame: Vyruq
BattleTag: spoRe#2539
Armory Link: … q/advanced
Mainspec: Beast Mastery (Honestly I don't mind playing Survival if that is what you guys would want me to. Pref both specs)
Offspec: Surv - At this moment it's Marksmanship, because I've been doing some PvP.
Professions: Engineering and Jewelcrafting
Regardless of its quality (ilvl), is you gear fully taken care of? Safe for some specific cases (eg. an item about to be replaced next week), we expect everything to be gemmed, enchanted and reforged optimally. We will likely consult your profile with Mr. Robot. If you're doing something different than it indicates (which is often the right things to do), please explain the reasoning.
I've optimized everything from gems, reforge and enchants. I've been trying several times to see what would be best to do with the current gear I have right now - I've tried to go more into crit to get the atleast 40% crit chance - Which made me have a loss of dps(missing the haste) - I've tried to go more into mastery, but as the same with crit, it was still a dps loss - I'm not saying I wanted to go more into the Crit or Mastery reforge as BM - as I pref haste overall - But I really like playing arround with reforges and trying to max out my DPS.
Gear wise, I'm currently trying to get the pants from Norushen - which have never dropped for me /cry - I'm considering getting the Haromm's trinket - To see if it would be a dps boost for my current gear or not, as I know that the Ticking Ebon Detonator is the BiS for BM's at this moment, I still feel like I would give it a try to see if it is worth it - Then again, I've never gotten it on normal either, so it would still be dps test for me. And it's BiS for Survival anyways, if I would happen to switch to Survival for your preferends.
What do you consider the most significant pros and cons of your class/spec in the current state of affairs:
To take it from the beginning - Making hunters able to stand close to targets and still be ranged, BIG PLUS! It's a major change to the hunter movement and possitioning.
If we have to take what's great about hunters - They're currently sick DPS as their burst is major apart from other classes than Enhancement shamans. They're great on AoE. During boss fights like Norushen(best for survival hunters) - Galakras - Spoils - Thok HC - Garrosh N/HC. Though hunters are not only good for AoE, but also CC and helpfull CDs
Immerseus - Stun arrow(Blobs) - Slow trap(Blobs)
Protectors - Interrupt(Gloom) - Deterrencex2(Fixate mob)
Norushen - Interrupt(Adds) - Stun Arrow(Manifastion(big add))
Sha - Interrupt(Manifastation) - Stun Arrow(Reflection) - Disengage(Moving to Rifts) - Deterrencex2(Swelling Pride) - Nitro Boots(in my case for double Rift taking)
Galakras - Stun arrow(stunning a whole pack, stunning the tower orc, stunning skullbashers) - Interrupt(Shamans) - Fast switching to Healing Stream Totems(my specialty)
Shamans - Stun arrow(Blobs) - Slow trap(blobs)
Nazgrim - Stun arrow(can be used on all adds) - Slow trap(assassin) - Interrupt(Mage(add)), Shaman(add))
Malkorok - Nitro Boots(in my case to clear orbs+deterrence) - Deterrence x2(low healing shield(red)) - Disengage(not taking fall damage from add spawn)
Spoils - Stun Arrow - Deterrence x2(Can be used for clearing bombs on klaxxi site) - Tranq shot(removing enrage) - Disengage(getting to the Panda creates to open them for the tank)
Thok - Disengage(Getting away from the big fella!) - Deterrence x2 (if running rly low on health on ph2) - Widow Venom(used on Thok to reduce the health obtained, by consuming the prisoned mobs - Tranq shot(used on Jailor)
Siegecrafter - Disengage(Most needed thing as a hunter on this bitch! Jumping on to the belt!) Deterrence x2(should u land in fire or shockwave when/if pulled over)
That's the 11/14 bosses I've one on HC - Have not been checking up on the others yet, since they are yet to come.
Oh yea, always use Misdirection to the tank
Are any of your alts suit for raiding? If so, tell us about them and link armory profile:
Hártvig - Warrior - DPS - OS TANK (563 Ilvl DPS - 564 Ilvl Tank) … g/advanced
Zmukel - Rogue - Sublety - Assasination (Weapons and gear for all specs) - 561 ilvl … l/advanced
Please provide a WoL log presenting your awesomeness. In absence of logs, post screenshots of recount/skada from an encounter of the current tier.
Without this, you will most likely be rejected.
d.14.05.14 … amageDone/
Though this is not the latest raid i've done - there was not being WoL Logged at the last current raid at d.21.05
d.21.05.14 (For the last raid I did with my guild - Recount was not reset) (Overall)
What's your best result in Prooving Grounds? This is especially valuable in case you cannot provide WoL log.
Endless wave 15 - Thought I was about to win/end - I didnt.. lol ^^
Which pve addons do you use?
Deadly Boss Mods
Omen - Not using it that much anymore, since I don't feel like tank agro is a problem anymore - Got my Misdirection anyways, so should not get agro
Bartender3 - though it is more like a UI thing
Show us your UI.
One with nettet UI - so you can see where my bars are
One with not nettet UI
Raiding Experience (we're mostly interested in your achievements in the current expansion, but do impress us with previous experience if you feel it helps):
Molten Core
Karazhan - Cleared
Matheridon - Cleared
Grull - Cleared
Zul'aman - Cleared
SSC - Lurker
TK - Fell Reaver
Naxx 10&25 - Cleared
ToC 10&25 - 10M HC(Tribute to Mad skill(druid healer DC'd on our only wipe /cry) - Cleared
Malygos 10 - Cleared
Onyxia 10&25 - Cleared
ICC 10&25 - 10&25 HC(11/12) - Cleared
BWD Cleared
BWD HC: 5/6 - Cleared
BoT Cleared
BoT HC: 3/5 - Cleared
Throne of the four winds - Cleared
Throne of the four winds HC: 1/2 - Cleared
Firelands - None
Firelands HC - None
DS Cleared
DS HC Cleared
MSV - Cleared
MSV HC: 2/6 - Cleared
HoF - Cleared
HoF HC - none
ToES - Cleared
ToES HC - None
ToT Cleared
ToT HC - 11/13 - Cleared
SoO Cleared
SoO HC: 11/14 - Cleared - Have exp on Siegecrafter though - wiped days on that boss
What attendence should we realistically expect from you (for the sake of clarity, please note that while our Monday and Thursday raids start at 19.30, the Sunday one starts at 18.45). If you can't make it on any of our raiding days on a general basis, do not apply.
Any external factors affecting activity we ought to know about (some flexibility applies, but we really want players able to join all 3 raids a week):
Nothing there really - I mean, I have a girlfriend who needs to be taken care of now and then, but that's all
Vanquish: Was Main Tank and Officer - Left / stopped playing before they hit Black Temple.
Epiphany: Was kicked while during trial period, I was reading for examens and they couldnt wait for me to be done.
Divine Insanity: Very succesful guild that I had with a few friends. ICC - 10M HC 11/12 - 25M HC 9/12. Disband because a friend of mine, which was also officer, left. Guild was Nr. 6-7 best guild on server at that time.
Madhouse: Good guild 11/12 HC ICC25, we had a hard time getting LK down. Eventually I stopped playing, because Cata was coming out. Stopped in August - 2010.
Drive By Spankers: I was officer in the guild, helping out a mate from my old guild Divine Insanity - Lead the group 2 team - untill he choose to screw me over by taking my people into his group, if he couldnt fill his spots for group 1.
Articulo Mortis(Dunemaul, now moved to Tarren Mill): At the time 500+ best EUW guild, I was playing Enhancement shaman
The Enigma Order: During DS 25 man HC, I was playing with you guys(well some of you), cleared out the end content - Not just joining and lootwhoring, but progress not day 1, but almost.
Uníque: were officer, but those to leave the guild and take those people in who wanted to get some real progress through 25 man ToT, since the GM was a selfish bastard - not wanting to be replaced by another member, even though his raid performance was horrible at the time.
Order in Chaos: the guild I formed out of Uníque - Cleared out 25 man ToT - but then people just stopped showing up. Which ended up us splitting into two 10 man groups - Group 1 getting only 1 HC before we stopped raiding as a guild.
Once again Order in Chaos: We started out again as a few IRL friends getting into SoO normal - as I've had exp with before, IRL friends playing together, never ends up well. We cleared out 9 bosses in SoO HC, but split up because people just stopped coming, thinking it was okay, because we're IRL friends.
Red Moon ll: Got another two HC bosses! 11/14 SoO HC, I was there with 2 IRL mates. But I couldnt keep going there as the other people in the guild, was not nice to us. Always protection their own, but if it came to my friends and me, we should just shut up and keep quiet.
I know the information above might not be what you requested, but still felt like I should throw it in.
Why are you applying to The Enigma Order, what made you choose us, when and where did you first hear about us:
- Been in the guild before and I really like the enviroment and the people. The progression is great and I want end progress, that is what I am aiming for in WoW. I tried to be a casual player, but I just can't. Either I am going to start my own or join a guild. And as I've been in the guild before and had great experiance within being in the guild, I thought.. Why not give it a shot?
Please confirm that you have read and understood our rules and they are ok for you (yes, this is our way to ensure we're not asked somewhat silly questions that are already answered in writing at the Rules section of the forum): Yes I agree, read them and confirmed!
Is there anything else you would like to include that may assist your application?
- Just hope that people really like my application
Processor: AMD FX(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor 3.60GHz
64 bit Operating System
Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
Please post Speed Test results. Run it from your place to Frankfurt, Germany.
Is your computer good enough to handle 25 man heroic raids? If you only did 10 man and lfr until now, say so please.
It can handle it
Do you have a working microphone and are you able to connect to TS3 servers?
Yes and yes
Should you be accepted, you will be asked to provide your cellphone number to the leading team. This is for the sake of on-going coordination, your number will not be made public nor used for anything not related to the game. Is this ok?
- Of course!!! I'd love Arkios to call me at any given time
As discussed in game, you're welcomed to join and take a social spot, but becomming part of the raiding team right away isn't possible. However, chances are good you'd get a pieace of action sooner than later.
Contact one of us in game should you wish to get invited.
Yes indeed. Sounds more than fine at this moment