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On my part the "race" to 60 has ended (ding 60 ^^) and the exploring of Outlands begun. From here on if any of you other shams need help or sumthing whisp me and I'll try to be there for ya
Im guessing Tanari will be second. Heebie third? Remains to be seen.
However fast I leveled to 60, Im gonna take my time leveling to 70. Karazhan and lots more awaits but im not gonna powerlevel anymore. Gonna look around and enjoy questing and finding new instances. Phun times ahead!
gz ^^ you should really enjoy TBC. exploring and questing aint as fun at 70
jolt wrote:
gz ^^ you should really enjoy TBC. exploring and questing aint as fun at 70
what? you mean flying mount aint fun? I think apox and his 4 hours on wings would disagree.
Ofcourse lvl 70 is fun but the most fun i had was leveling 60-70 to be honest. At level 70 its the same "do instance, get gear, do another instance, get better gear for another instance, raid now and then", you know, the same old same old with new content.
oh yeah, gz for the lvl 60 mate.
Last edited by Enimusha (2007-02-09 13:03:51)
Gz boltan! What`s your /played when you dinged?
7d 14h /played when ding 60.
Of that 182 hours some 18 hours I spent under CC. And another 4 went into GM-discussions / bugging boats / etc issues not connected to pvp.