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Yesterday my wow crashed with critical error, after few tries i couldnt even login after that i couldnt statr it at all. Soon i had critical exemption message from my antivirus-soon after it died. I tried to reinstal wow and o got message with some error 132 - common bug. I decided to remove antivirus and install new one which in the end caused system failure. I reainstalled windows but during that instalation ( on formated disc) i had few error messages as well. Again, i couldnt even start instaling wow due to that damn error. But theres more, since it seems my win instalation was broken i tried to reinstall system once again and now it appears my instalation cd with XP ( legal ) is broken....I know its not virus - ive checked it . So it might be harddrive, memory, mainboard, fucked up cd,my bad luck and according to Blizz error 132 can be caused even by your bad haircut.
So you might not see me in close future....
Fixx it !!!
Windows up, installing wow, but i have like billion patches to dl....