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Name: Ali
Age: 12
Country: Sweden - Malmo
Occupation/work : School
Activitylevel I'm not sure yet , cause school 'n' my Training haven't start yet , but i would say i could raid atleast 2-3 time's a week +
2: Your character
Name, class, race, gender: Izimy , Rogue , Female , Gnome
HP, mana, manaregen, AP, all resists (unbuffed): Got no Resistin' gear at all , Just Dinged 70 , And that means my gear aint so good, AP= 1163 , Hp=6704 Note:this may change day to day depending if i get beter gear:P
Talent (link): … mp;n=Izimy
Tradeskills: Engineer/mining , low skilled ..As i said before i just got 70=)
Got no alt on this server=) on the other hand a 40 lock on Twilight's Hammer
3: Gear … mp;n=Izimy (maybe not updated when you're lookin' at it but i'm 70;] )
Describe your gear. Reason for choosing this gear: I diden't really "Choose" these gear.Once agin i just got 70 so i took the best Quest rewards that i could - and sometimes i did a instance and needed on stuff i needed:P
Describe your "desert island" gear. Items you desperately want. This can be imaginary items as well: I really would like to have Fully t5 , that would be awesom:D and Season 2 arena wep , the sword's , fist's and daggers:P..Btw , With moongoose enchant:P
4: Guild
Once agin , as i said earlyer i just dinged 70 'n' haven't had any really seriously guilds.
Most serious guild was Ted - The enigma Disorder wich is the alt guild to Teo ..That i already guess you know ;]
I know Pyroflame From the guild - i did gnomeregan with his Alt at level 27 , and since that he helped me out as much as he could - and i tryed to help him out as much as i Could
And the reason for me to join was most because pyroflame - he told me so much about the guild - how friendly it was- and i just coulden't wate until i got 70 - The guild Teo seems like a really nice guild and that's why i really want to join it.
What can you bring to TEO: The best Dps ever , Hehe:P - And a none whiner I don't mind people telling me what to do or something if i ever do wrong.I'll always be in time and always have the right gear with me.And i don't mind spending a whole night on whiping on one boss , no mather what.
5: Game
What is you characters: "/played"?: 16 days 15 min
What is your raiding experience?: I never raided Bc instances - just some Pre Bc instances - like Onyxia , Mc .Not Bwl and Naxx
What is your ambition with playing this game?: I started play this game Cause my friend's played it and said it was fun. Was just goin' to try it out and started play instantly=) My irl friend's on this server is Faithz , Doralf and ofc Appolo=).And i'm playing it atm to have fun with my friend's.
Do you have any other significant gaming experience?: Nope
Tell us about your computer: My computer is pretty god , it doesn't have any problem to play WoW.I rarely lagg , can happen tought.A bit more info GHz: 2.08 1.5 Gb Ram.
Oh , Btw my network is good to , doesn't just drop off or something. Mabye happens 1 time a year ;]
Oh btw , i'm specced pvp atm to get arena wep after that fully pve
this guy rly has my vote ( no surprise there ), he is a good skilled and nice player, a little immature now and then but hey! he is only 12.
i met him when he was 27 with my alt shammy, and i just got inspired by his attitude and skills, this guys is a player for fun.. for sure!
i helped him out a few times in SM and ZF and i had the best time ever doing instances not in the outland...
i am in his 2vs2 and 3vs3 arena team (not serious just fun) and we have a great time there together with a IRL friend of izi, faithz.
I did many instances with him ( wolfman and mojo wree there also) and it was fun..
i just cant rly put to words what wanna say :s, but one thing i rly need to say: Take this lil' gnome plz!
Ali, we live in the same damn town! MALMO! O-E-O, ZLATAN O JAG, VI AR FRAN SAMMA STAD.
Just because of that, you have my vote! In addition, of course, great application considering your age.
Last edited by arilia (2007-08-18 07:52:22)
arilia, there is an edit botton at the lower left corner of your post remember :>
no more drugs for that man
on topic, izimy is a nice dude and a breathing example of how age doesnt equal maturity (in a good way) gets my vote
hi is a nice kid ok play at momen. he will learn fast i think becous hi have ages they learn fast
he get my wot.
u have my vote m8
We are currently full on Rogue's.
We'll go though your application again if the situation changes.
Euthia wrote:
We are currently full on Rogue's.
We'll go though your application again if the situation changes.
Last edited by Pyroflame (2007-08-18 18:12:02)
Ah , Ok sad to hear i most say.I'll probebly still be in TeD.. give me a /w whenever a spot is ready and ya want to fill it with me:D