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142 hit rating (9% hit) for raiding i think is the most you need … egathread/
Thanks Beardie! Maybe i'm a little over the top with 230 hit rating.
get more +AP then lucky feralals dont need hit :S rogues / warrs only needs leik twice as much
Yeah, i can easily swich the +hit gear to AP and crit gear. I was gimping myself with that much hit, so good to know 142 hit is enough.
whats nice now is the fact that its actually useful to have some +hit for bear gear also, since it affects the chance to hit with taunt and other niceness stuff..
Whats the most common dps rutine you use for catform eni?
+hit also affects aggro alot, it hurts to miss initial mangle on a mob.
mangle, (rake sometimes) shred to 5cp, wait for energy for rip and mangle and go over again. Some rakes here and there.
So imba information in that threat... every feral should read it, even the replys are great info.