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name: Danni
Age: 19
Country: Greece
Occupation/work: Student
Activity level: Hmm as i saw your raid time its imba and i can be 100% active or at least 80% for sure.
Excile: 70 draenei Female shaman.
Spec: Im Restoration atm and thats my main specc im able to respec ofc if its for the guild's benefit,My healing atm is a bit LOW but that can be proved in like some days.
Tradeskill: jewelcrafter:i got some nice gems for you and im trying to get any gem in game.
Alts:i dont have any alt atm my warr is on other realm as horde but this shamy is my main now.
Gear: … p;n=Excile ,thats all i have and some other epics from kara i know its low for your raids but im good experienced player and i can help you out with all and what i can.
Previous guilds: Rebirth but they disbanded.
Reason for the application:I really like raiding with nice and good players,i enjoy raiding and i need a good guild so i can do that.Also i like progress and TEO got it.
Raiding experience: Kara,ZA,Grull,maggy,SSC,TK,BT/MH(im full exp ina ll of them but not with my shaman well its easy with shaman too so it no problem to me know all tacs and alsoi can help you out if you dont know anything:P
I always come prepared for raids with pots, flasks, ankhs and some more pots if some1 in guild forgot to buy!
My main computer is IMBA coz its a new computer and im able to play wihtout lagging in raid.
You can find me online almos every day and talk with me if you wish so.
Hey Danni
I spoke with you ingame I think. Not a bad application, but like you said yourself, your gear is a serious issue. I do however like the fact that you promise 100% attendance, which sadly most of our other recruits fail to do.
We'll get back to you soon with an answer.
A very short application, and as you said yourself: your gear is lacking
sorry. not accepted. it's gear issues. thanks for the application though.