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Is sub still hot for pvp or has mutilate taken over totally?
1 extra point in improved evisc just because i also have the glyph of evisc and i've seen some really sweet crits having fun with hordes trying to crit them down instead of stun to death. Quite impressed by the combo: this+glyph!
Dual-Wield spec is also hawt since it's moved in the tree;)
Gief comments please!
I think combat also might be very viable for somekind of instagib setup. AR + Killing spree on a single target does insanely heavy damage.
I just went down combat.. the tree of my liking and I wasnt disappointed.
Just specced deep into combat, and i must say that killing spree, adrenalin rush, bade flurry and 2 sec kicksilence makes this really sick for pvp!
Sub has no dmg anymore compared to this, and no use of cooldowns either now when it's all about nuking.. a ret pala dropped my hp from 10k to 1,5k in 1-2 secs! No use for cooldowns there.. and just thinking of 2 ret palas in 2vs2 makes me wanna get some whine and cottage cheese