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Name: Matthijs
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 17
Character name: Customize
Character race: Human
Character class: Priest
Main Talent-spec: Full Shadow atm
Used to raid as holy but wanted to raid on a other way now, tho can respec if needed
Are you willing to respec if necessary?
yes if its needed.
Have you raided with other characters than the one you're applying for?
Yes, First i raided with my hunter in Divine knights and Genesis. After that i raided a little bit with my Warrior but haven't got further then Gruul on that one
What are your professions? (With level)
Primary: Tailoring 375
Secondary: Enchanting 373
Are you the original owner of your character/account?
Armory link to your character profile: … =Customize
Did you collect any particular resistance gear?
Got around 300 SR nothing else
What threatmeter are you using?
Got omen and ACE
Do you have Ventrilo? Can you speak? (Big plus!)
How well do you speak/understand English?
Do you have a stable connection?
Raiding Experience
Do you have any pre-TBC raiding experience in ZG/AQ20/MC/BWL/AQ40
yes till BWL on hunter
What raiding experiences did you acquire in TBC?
MH 5/5 bt 9/9 and SWP 2/6
About Serpentshrine Cavern, could you please provide information about your roles in SSC-raids?
Only did it twice as healer and more times as dps on hunter
About Black Temple, could you please provide more information about your roles in BT-raids?
Mostly raid healing
About Sunwell , could you please probide more information about your roles in Sunwell?
Raid healing mostly, tho healed MT on kalegcos
Other important application info
Do you currently know any <TEO>-members who can vouch for you?
Yes, Druidje, Appelsientje and Merobo
What are your former guilds? Why did you leave them?
Divine knights kinda disbanded, Genesis idem, First blood Leaders stopped raiding (Baqa joined u guys), Utgard got kicked there becoz of inactivity of 2 months, Started to play war hammer but it wasn't good enough so i came back to wow
On what days and times are you able to raid?
i cant raid on monday and thursdays due soccer training but the rest of the week i can.
Thanks for reading this apply.
Our raids are on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. That means you will be unable to attend 1 of our raids each week. This is not ideal, but is acceptable if your attendence is high the other days. If you are able to join almost all Tuesday and Sunday raids you will be given a chance to raid with us.
Talk to me, any officer or your friends about how it is here in TEO and tell me when you are ready.