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Personal Info
Name: Tony
Charecter Info:
Name Of Charecter:Treelove
Armory link:
migrated few days ago,so if the link still says data not wound my armory can be found by looking for my name.
Mic?: Yes
Talent Build:Resto
Raid Expirience
Blackwing Lair:----------
Gruul's Lair:Cleared
The Eye:Cleared
Sunwell:3 Bosses
Heroic Mode Avaimet and attuments
Auchenai Key / Lower City: Yes
Flamewrought Key / Honor Hold: Yes
Key of Time / Caverns of Time: Yes
Reservoir Key / Cenarion Expedition: Yes
Warpforged Key / Sha'tar: Yes
Hyjal "Attunement": Yes
BT "Attunement": Yes
1. Personal Info,somethings about me
2.Other MMO Expirience:
Warhammer,Titan Quest,LOTR
3. Why Do i enjoy playing WOW:
well iv always ben a raider,i love when guild gets progress and kill's a new boss,i like the challenge of wow and i like the people playing it,well most of them.
4. How much do i play,and how many raids can i join on week:
i play evryday 5-7h and i can join raids evryday of the week
5. What Kind of raid times are good for me:
6. /play time: 84 Days
7. What other guilds was i in:well i migrated to stormreaver 3 days ago so basicly i could say non here.
8. Professions:
9.Is my combuter good enough for endgame raids:
Yes it is no lag,no dc
12. What Do i expect from you:
Progress,Mature Guild,Funny Moments together,and lots of boss killing
10. how do i prepare for raids:
buying flask,elixirs,food buffs,weapon enchants,epic gems on all slots...etc
11. Why should you choose me:
well im expirienced resto druid and i know what to do in raids,i always act nice and try to respect all players.
12.Something else i wana tell you:
there might be some letters wrong but i hope you understand it,i understand english 100% but writing fast makes me do some mistakes :P
hey Treelove i'm sure some of the officers have seen the application but give them a little while to talk with each other
Some previous history about characters that have recently migrated is usually, much appreciated.
Hi Treelove!
A fine application, but I would like so additional information. I presume you have been in other guilds considering your raid experience. How many guilds? Why did you leave it/them? Which server did you migrate from, and why?
Well i migrated from Al'akir,there i were in 2 diffrent guilds,one of them got broken since the leader got enough of slacking and waiting that people come online,and one of them wich raided theyr way all way to swp had some guild RL problems i still dont know the hole story about it but what they told me was something like few off the officers in real life wanted the gm of guild make them high ranked as he were,so after 2 week of fighting i decided to leave since it didint seem to end at all,and yes reason i wanted to migrate was basicly that most of the ppl in al'akir focused on pvp and the guilds left didint need any resto druids,so my RL mate told me about storm reaver and about few guilds in it so i decided to try join enigma.
please contact me in game for a chat