The Enigma Order

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#1 2009-04-08 13:22:57

Uncertified member
Registered: 2009-04-08
Posts: 1

Chïzuru, Night elf, Fury warrior.

About me:
Name: David Simonson
Age: 16 and half
Country: Sweden/Spain
Occupation/work: Student, from Monday to Friday, I am home around 16
Activity level:I am pretty online every day since  when i come home, i get bored, offen play from 16.30 to 23:30.

My char:
Name: Chïzuru
Class: Fury warrior, 5/5  tier7,5,  My tank gear is good aswell, Umm, enough for OT heroic Naxx and os3.
Armory link: … %C3%AFzuru
Professions: Enchanting and Miner, boths 450, My enchanting gear is verygood, Alot Pretbc stuff, TBC, and well i've all from WoLtk.

Previous guilds and why I want to join this one:
I've been in Lord of Ironhearts,  utill they downed os+3 but i had so much homework, last test and i had to be a bit away from wow, but now I dont have more test that will interup my gaming. I wanna start raid seriust again no more slacks, and I dont like ppl that doesnt bring pots/Flask, and enchant ofc, or grenne sockets. My gear is enough for start with Ulduar, and I want really reach the achievement before my friend, and i will pay every since repari bill for do it!

Do you know anyone in The Enigma Order?
Perhaps, I dont know if the player im thinking now is The enigma Order.

Why should I get invited to The Enigma Order?
Iam  always up to help the guild, with all even if they get ganked. I know how to playfury, downed utill BWL pre tbc and TBC utill 6 bosses in Black tempel. I'm always is looking after new bosses to down. the humans will never be perfect, you have to give tries! and I am NOT scared to wip, and Iam always bring the best stuff, enchant, gems, flask! and ofc the epic DPS!

Pre-TBC: Cleared Utill BWL, and I think 3 bosses in AQ40, after that came TBC.
TBC: Cleared Utill 6 bosses in BT. I was the tank, we did pretty good since the guild had tier four and some of them tier5, pretty few had tier 6.
WotLK: Naxx10 and 25, and Malygos for long long time ago. Os2, and my previous  guild cleard os3, when I was sleeping, well I had a LAN, and the lan should end @sunday money so I could sleep utill 19.00 then raid os3 but my mother was very that i skiped my swimming train for the second time so I had to swim 2 hours after a LAN, and I didnt sleep... so.. 3 days with playing wow and 2hours train was alot for me.

Thank you for read my apply!

Epic hugs from Chïzuru!



#2 2009-04-09 17:28:04

Mahogany - Retired CL
From: London
Registered: 2005-07-23
Posts: 2241

Re: Chïzuru, Night elf, Fury warrior.

Cheers for the application,

I can't really fault your gear / gem choices but unfortunately we're super full on melee DPS and warriors for the moment. Should a spot open I'll reopen this application (and a couple of others). Applying someone else in the meantime won't affect this.

Wish you all the best in the future. Kind regards,

Please donate to the "One shot Aya with a shield slam fund", all bits of metalz welcome.



#3 2009-04-09 18:29:56

Guild Member
Registered: 2007-02-27
Posts: 83

Re: Chïzuru, Night elf, Fury warrior.

goat goat rofl!



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