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#showtooltip Steady Shot
#show Steady Shot
/cast [target=pet, dead]; [nopet]; [target=pettarget, exists] Kill Command
/castsequence Steady Shot(Rank 1), Auto Shot
This is the usual steadyshot rotation macro, casting steady -> auto -> steady -> auto, and kill command whenever ready.
#showtooltip Aspect of the cheetah
/cast [group] Aspect of the Pack; Aspect of the Cheetah
This one basicly casts AotPack if you're in a group, els Cheetah.
/petfollow [target=pettarget,exists]
/stopmacro [target=pettarget,exists]
This one is basicly for the lazy hunter. So instead of using your mouse, you bind this to a key, and hit the key once and your pet attacks, hit it again and it will stop attacking.
/cast [modifier:alt] Scorpid Sting; [modifier:ctrl] Tranquilizing Shot; Serpent sting
This one basicly sums up the hunters stings. Press alt while presssing this macro to fire Scorpid sting. Ctrl and this macro for tranq, and if nothing then it fires serpent sting.
/cast [pet] Dismiss Pet;Call Pet
This is a very simple call/dismiss pet macro. Letting you do both things, with one. If pet is away it calls, if it's out it dismisses.
#show Blackened Trout
/cast Feed Pet
/use Blackened Trout
This is for feeding. Insert the food you're using and you just have to click the macro to feed your pet instead of using your skill and then targeting your food in your inventory.
Now here's one of the more advanced:
#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [target=focus, help] Misdirection; [help] Misdirection; [target=pet, exists] Misdirection
/assist [target=focus,exists,nodead] Assist; [target=pet]
/ra Misdirecting %t to %f - be prepared!
What this does is basicly 2 things. If you don't have a focus it will automaticly cast MD on your pet. If you DO have a focus (maintank) and are in a raid, it will cast MD on the MT and then call to the raid that you are misdirection the target (%t) to the tank (%f).
Last edited by Sarcon (2007-10-30 21:24:56)
anyone knows how to make a macro announcing that you've used misdirection, but only when you have actully done it, not just pressed to appropriate key (since it will not aplly if the target already has the effect on)?
This is the macro I use for doing almost anything with my pet (except for feeding, which I don't do alot since Bloodthirsty and Glyph of Mend Pet):
/cast [nopet, modifier] Revive Pet; [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; [btn:2] Dismiss Pet; Mend Pet
What it does:
on click, pet active - mend pet
on right click, pet active - dismiss pet
on click , pet not active - call pet
on click , pet dead (but it's frame still visible) - revive pet
modifier+click - revive pet (in case it's frame isn't there anymore)
Hope it's usefull
Last edited by Tilia (2009-05-22 00:35:57)
Lol, this was one serious necro
Hunters mark macro
/run for i=1,GetNumTrackingTypes() do local n, t, a, c = GetTrackingInfo(i); if string.find(n, UnitCreatureType("target")) then if t~=GetTrackingTexture(i) then SetTracking(i); end end end
/cast Hunter's Mark
Think thats what it is
wow, numbers, symbols, funky!
what does it do though - adjust tracking to the creature and casts HM?
Looks like it changes tracking to the same type of the mob you cast Hunters Mark on.
I could never have used it I think. I always track humanoids in case there are horde around :p
You also never need to use it - as of patch 3.2 (orso), it is enough to have any type of tracking active in order to benefit from Improved Tracking.
There's also a mod called AutoTrack (if I'm not mistaken) which adjusts the trycking to the targeted creature.