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"We are suckers for long and moving applications."
I consider this a challenge
Hello there Enigma Order!
About me:
Name: Jelte
Age: 20
From: Gouda, The Netherlands
Occupation: Student Artificial Intelligence at University of Utrecht, work as a filmoperator at the local cinema.
Hobbies: Being a film-freak, making and listening to music (bandless at the moment for the first time in years, have a small project running though), reading books.
Character information:
Name: Thundrisad
Race: Night elf
Class: Hunter
Talents: Dual Specced Survival (1/15/55) and Marksmanship (7/75/7), MM since I have been required to provide 10% AP in 10 man raids when lacking a Blood DK or Enhance shaman.
Proffesions: Herbalism & Alchemy
Cooking & Fishing (all recipes I might need for my class, including pet strength food, 1 point away from being able to make fish feast )
Armory link: … Thundrisad
Have a better belt lying around, that I am unable to use at the moment since it would take me under the hitcap, equip it when partied with a Draenei
Why do I want to join?
My current guild - Tar Valon, sprung from The Blackhand Order- has been my guild since about the start of TBC, but since recent leaving of members it does not feel like my home anymore. I raided Ulduar 10 man with old TV members who currently reside (or resided) in Defiance. The Enigma Order has always seemed like a nice and mature guild to me, and in my memory I have only had good experiences with members of the guild I've encountered. Also my real life friend Japsones is in TEO, as well as some dutch boys I know from older guilds I've been in (Angie, Luando spring to mind). I see you recently recruited Tělia for a trial, he has been a mate over the past time in botH Tar Valon and Defiance. Also am a real life friend of Celesti, which is an old-time member of yours if I remember correctly (he plays horde on a different server now).
What do I have to offer?
- A player who is a hunter at soul (played this character since the day of original release, and have only had 1 serious alt: Thund currently level 80 shaman).
-I have thorough knowledge of the class and it's changes over the years. I spend alot of time reading up and discussing the latest changes of the hunter class and WoW in general.
- A friendly, mature player with a good sense of humour (I sound arrogant now )
- A player that is always willing to explore new content, and prefer it over 'loot-farming' content that is already cleared.
- I geared character to the best of my abilities. My gear has some room for improvement ofcourse, but this is mainly due to the fact that I am overall quite unlucky on rolls, drops, or I pass loot to players to whom the piece of loot would be a bigger upgrade.
- I can take comments about my behaviour or performance, and will try my best to improve where ever needed.
Raid experience:
Pre-TBC: Did MC & Onyxia a only a few times, did first 2 bosses in BWL, no naxx or AQ experience, some ZG (did not raid much pre-TBC)
TBC: Kara cleared (duh), SSC cleared, TK cleared, Mount Hyal cleared, BT cleared up to Teron Gorefiend.
Wotlk: Naxxramas 10&25 cleared, Os 10&25 cleared (no drakes unfortunatly), attempts at Malygos 10 when freshly dinged 80 (guild didn't do it, and pugs don't want non-achievement guys like myself, know the tacts thorougly ofcourse ), Ulduar 10 man all but Mimiron, Vezzax and Yogg-Saron (wasn't present at the hodir kill, attempted though).
I am able to raid on your raid days with the exception of tuesday, since this is workday for me, this might change over time though (the tuesday part not the rest )
I am able to communicate via Ventrilo ofcourse.
I spend one week at my dad one week at my mom, and my mom has a crappy pc (works well enough to raid though), so waiting for my DOA laptop to be repaired so I got 2 good working computers, should be soon.
Will get any of the addons required to raid with you guys.
I hope to have informed you enough with this post, feel free to whisper me on one of these characters:
Thundrisad ( O RLY?)
Thund, my shaman - spend a fair bit of time on this toon
Thunrela, an alt I started with friends from school - try this one when not on hunter or shaman
Greets Thund
Ooh, this came out of the blue.
If my word weighs anything...
I can guarantee this guy won't disappoint =P
Hey Thundrisad!! Omg how are you mate?
I played with him a half year ago, really nice guy. Remeber you made me always pots on my lock(Luando). He's a really nice player in pve, lots of dmg and an active person!
GL with your apply
Thanks for the application.
Is it possible for you to meat me up at the shooting range of our home town of Dalaran in the evening?
I am currently at work, made this post while working (I slack ).
I will be home at aroun 0.00-0.15, so if you are still online by that time, no problemo to meet you.
If you are off, I basicly got all day tommorow (except for the evening, going to see a band).
Greets. Thund
hey thundrisad :> still remember you of our imba karazhan runs
This guy is awesome! I know him irl and he is an awesome player, he knows his class like no other (ok, maybe lamme :p)!
Thundrisad will definitely be a great asset to the guild should he be accepted, which I highly recommend!
Japsones wrote:
This guy is awesome! I know him irl and he is an awesome player, he knows his class like no other (ok, maybe lamme :p)!
And stuntelaar oO
anyway, he is a good player so if we need a hunter I say yes
Me and Thundrisad are in contact, just having bad luck meeting online. Should be sorted today.
Accepted for test period.
Surprise us and do read up on the rules we apply. The test period should lost for about 2-4 weeks. I hope you'll find us a nice bunch of people to play with. Welcome.