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* General Information
Name: Timo
Age: 22.
Nationality: Netherlands
* Character Information
Ingame name: KohrYu
Class: Warrior.
Race: Night Elf
* Talent build, and why?
54/17/0 for arms pve. Best dps spec for me atm imo. And my other spec is also 54/17/0 but its pvp so I just some other pvp talents. Check Armory link
* Wow Armory link … p;n=Kohryu
* Raid & Dungeons Information
- In Classic: Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, Zul’Gurub, Stratholme, Sunken Temple, Scarlet Monastery, Onyxia’s Lair, Maraudon, Gnomeregan, Stormwind Stockade, Deadmines.
- In TBC: Shadow Labyrinth, Mount Hyjal, Shattered Halls (hc), Blood Furnace (hc) Hellfire Ramparts (hc)
- In WoTLK: I've cleared all Dungeons, normal and hc. And Naxx 10/25, Os+1d 10/25, Voa 10/25, EoE 10/25
* Addons
I got the needed addons for raiding - DBM, Omen etc.
* People that can vouch for me:
- Obsek
- Splinter
- Mirador
* Previous Guilds:
- Styx: Was a nice guild, with good players. But a few good people left after that the guild was very inactive.
- Temptation: Was a very small guild so not enough people for raiding..
I hope you'll consider my apply,
RL friend of me, Splinter and Mirador. Even though we have a lot of warriors I hope you'll consider him and his brother since both are super-active....
Thanks for the application, we'll get back to you shortly.
Small warning tho, we are really full on melee dps, unless your a shammie, getting a melee dps spot aint easy ;P
Sorry for the late reply but we are completly full on melees. Wasn't sure how active I would be so took a bit longer to think over.