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Character Name: Gelju
Level: 80
Race: Draenei
Spec: Enhancement(16/55/0)/resto(0/16/55)
First Name: Marko
Age: 26
Location: Finland
What can i give TEO: Active raider who dont scare hard working/wiping
Raid exp:
vanilla:ZG. AQ20.
wotlk:naxx10/25. eoe10/25. voa10/25. ulduar12/14 25 and ulduar 13/14 10.
Thanks for the - allbeit minimalistic - application.
Elaborate on the follwoing:
- guilds history - where do you come from?
- availability/activity - we have 3 heroics raids per week and some 10 man going on here and there - how many raids a week do you plan to join.
well you did say it's short...anyway I know him from chromaggus where he played warrior mostly.Not sure about shaman skills but they can be worked on and he surely can learn it fast.Good player and would take him to raid with me any day.If there isn't spot straight away would like to have him as non-raider at least.
Guild history:
Sade-chromaggus with UD Warrior (Kelju)
Finlandia-Wildhammer Nelf Warrior/Draenei shaman(migrated these 2 on this server. Keppe/Gelju)
leaving this guild's because raid activite/policy
Raid availability/activity:
+3 raid per weeks is more then fine for me
Do you have a preferred spec at all or do you not mind what you do? Mainly asking because we have a ton of melees so there is a good deal of competition for those spots.
Got any old WWS reports from your guild?
Spec doesen't matter. I can go resto/ele spec as well. On chromaggus we didn't use WWS and i played warrior as tank there.
Accepted as testplayer. Catch an officer online for an invite to the guild. Catch me for an invite to raids already scheduled in GC.
Read up on our rules so that you know how things are being run. The testperiod will last 2-4 weeks.
Welcome to The Enigma Order, I hope you will find us a nice bunch to play with.