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Personal information A little about yourself
Name (Optional): Daan ten Doeschot
Age: 20
Location: the Netherlands
Character information A little about your character
Name: Thiazi
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Spec (with armory link): Resto 11/0/60 … p;n=thiazi
What is your favourite aspect of the class/spec?
I always liked healing from the moment I started healing in the early days of tbc. The reason why I picked to be druid are hots, forms and flexibility of the class.
Would you mind respeccing for the benefit of the guild?
Yeah no problem at all. I have pretty good boomkin gear also.
Which professions do you have, and why did you choose those? N/A
Mining + Herbalism (just rerolled to herba) this is pure for the gold. I am thinking of going mining + JC in the future.
Do you have any resistance gear?
Full frost resistance gear and I still have those shadow res gear for BT in the bank.
Are you the original user of the account?
Has your account ever been hacked?
Do you have any active alts?
Yes my pala Sigfrud. Retri pala and not that bad geared. He is mostly for fun. (3.5-4.5k dps on raids depending on the fight)
General Information
Which raids and bosses have you encountered and defeated?
TBC: Cleared all but Sunwell. I completed the first 2 bosses there.
Wotlk: Cleared Naxx10/25, EoE10/25, OS +3 drakes, Ulduar 10 + some hardmodes, Only missing Yogg on 25 cause of guild breakdown and Northrend beasts on 10 man (did that with 9 members from the Enigma Order)
What are your goals with WoW?
Good progress in a not all to hardcore way and kicking the Lich King's ass in 3.3
What is the reason for leaving your current/last guild?
I'm leaving my guild cause the summer break was fatal at this moment. The guild changed to some sort of social guild until 3.3 launches and I can't stay because I love raiding and the feeling of progress to much.
Which guild(s) have you been in before?
Anastasis: Reroll guild that broke up because of problems with core members.
Utgard: Uptil now a pretty good guild. I joined up a few feeks after the launch of WOTLK
Our raid times are Sunday-Thursday, 19.00-23.00 CET. Is there anything that may make you go AFK during those times (except bio)?
Only a family emergency but other then that no.
What internet connection do you have ? How its stable?.
It's pretty stable. I have maybe 2 random dc's a week. I never stay offline for more then 1 min after a dc cause of reboot.
Do you have Ventrilo?
How comfortable are you using a microphone?
Pretty comfortable.
Do you have any super-friends in The Enigma Order?
Fluffball: Good irl mate
Serious: His brother
Absynthe: I think he just joined TEO for the same reason I want to join now.
Is there anything you would like to add?
Well if you need more information just email, whisper or contact me in any other way.
<3 irl friend of mine, very good healer
Imo accept
I supose that's a template of some other guild, due to the
Our raid times are Sunday-Thursday, 19.00-23.00 CET. Is there anything that may make you go AFK during those times (except bio)?
Only a family emergency but other then that no.
part (not really our days/hours), but that doesn't really change all that much. An ok application and I know for a fact that a skilled player behind it. Our druid people will get back to you shortly.
Accepted for trial
contact a classleader or officer online (wisper someone from TEO if you are in doubt)