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Hi there TEO! I'll start my application with a little info about myself.
My name is Michiel and I live in the country of legal weed and prostitution.
I'm 21 years young and been playing WoW since 2005 and started playing mage on Stormreaver together with my brother who's still playing aswell.
I see myself as an active, dedicated person that always gives 200% and not as a guildhopper or lootwhore type. I like progressing and earning achievements together with like-minded players.
Sometimes I can be a little "elitist" but I learned when to stfu
For the rest I like football (playing indoor myself) and music (my rare music preference). And not to forget being with friends in the weekends, etc.
Character info
Name: Fairmont
Class: Priest
Race: Human
Spec: Holy & Disc
/Played: Can't check atm but I thought it was around 35 days on my priest and 180 on my mage or so.
Professions: Alch & Herb
Armory link: … n=Fairmont
About my gear
My gear is lacking in my opinion because I always strive for better, however I'm not an epic whore ofcourse. Most of it is ilvl 226 and I still got around 60 Triumph badges to spent, but still I'm not really happy with it, mostly because I want two different sets for Disc and Holy as both prefer different stats mostly. The reason for this is basically because of my raiding break (more about this later on).
As you can see enchants/gems are always maxed out because I hate slacking. And ofcourse I always make sure to gem and enchant correctly.
For the rest gear shouldn't really be an issue I guess. I use Rawr to determine ideal set combinations and stat preference, but I also read the EJ forums a lot and do some theory crafting myself.
About my raiding experience
I've started playing on my mage and joined LoIH in late 2005. There I started raiding UBRS (ghehe) and MC with them. We cleared the place and went to BWL which we cleared aswell. Before the expansion hit we killed 2 bosses in AQ40 and that was it for vanilla.
In TBC I continued on my mage. First I did Karazhan and Maulgar with LoIH. Then I went to Rebirth and did Gruul, Magtheridon and a few bosses in SSC and TK. At this point (as some of you probably know) Rebirth disbanded and went back to LoIH to raid SSC, TK, MH and parts of BT.
At the end of TBC I really wanted a change and healing looked very appealing at this point so I rolled my priest and I don't regret it so far
This is why I missed out on some bosses in BT. I think Bloodboil was the last boss I did back then.
The guild cleared BT just before the "expansion patch" if I'm not mistaken.
In WotLK I started raiding on my priest and did Naxx, Malygos and Sarth+2D with LoIH.
At this point I was looking for a more "hardcore" guild and found 'The Day After' on Ravencrest.
I passed the trial there and we managed to achieve Glory of the Raider before the mount became unobtainable, which was pretty cool after we finally got Immortal (gheh the stress was amazing when we had a Pala dc'ing on KT). In Ulduar things were okay aswell when we cleared the place in early may. At that point we started with the Ulduar hardmodes and Steelbreaker last was first. We managed to get some very low % wipes sadly. A short while after, people started going inactive and stuff due to various reasons (upcoming summer perhaps?). Anyway the officers were pretty tired of fixing stuff everytime again and the GM went to a top 50 world guild on Ravencrest while other officers refused to take over his place, which led to the inevitable gdisband.
At this point I decided to take a long break which is until now actually. In the meantime I transferred my main back to Stormreaver and picked up my mage again, levelled him and did some casual stuff (aka badge farming and some 10-mans). At the end the transfer was nice for a change but I didn’t really know people there so I transferred back to good old SR.
After my transfer I did ToC10 full and ToC25 until Twins with LoIH on my priest. I join their raids when they need me so yeah.
A little summary
- ZG
- AQ20
- MC
- AQ40 (only Skeram and Sartura)
- Karazhan
- Zul’Aman
- Gruul's Lair
- Magtheridon's Lair
- Tempest Keep 3/4 (wipes on Kael)
- Serpentshrine Cavern (wipes on Vashj)
- Mount Hyjal (wipes on Archimonde)
- Black Temple (up to and including Bloodboil)
- Naxxramas
- Eye of Eternity
- OS+3
- Ulduar
- ToC (10m full, 25m until Twins)
Then there's these hardmodes, which I have no experience in due to my (long) break, except for IC hardmode.
Previous guilds
Lords of Ironhearts
Lords of Ironhearts
The Day After (Ravencrest)
At the moment I'm still guildless after I transferred back to Stormreaver.
Why I chose to apply to TEO
Basically I'm looking for a semi-hardcore guild with like-minded players. Why not other guilds with the same sort of progress? Well TEO has been around even longer than LoIH which is really great and is a big plus for me. It means the guild has a strong base.
Next to that I never had any problems with people from TEO and the progress is good for a guild that raids only 3 days (25-mans). I was always used to raiding 4-5 days a week, but 3 days gives more time for some 10-mans or other stuff to do which is really appealing.
I haven't applied to any other guild(s) btw at this moment, because I prefer to choose a guild to apply to carefully.
What TEO can expect of me
- Loyalty
- Good activity
- Focus (especially when it's needed)
- Preparation
- Excellent knowledge of class/spec
- Determination
- Dedication
What I expect from TEO
- No slacking during raids (I really hate it )
- Like-minded people to raid with
- A nice and helpful community
- Shiny purplez, loads of 'm (wait…what?)
Some last words
Only day I might have problems with being online would be Wednesday if I have to play an indoor football match, but this is often on a Friday and it's not an official raiding day in the TEO raiding schedule anyway.
In the weekends (Friday and Saturday) I'm 90% of the time with friends in the evenings so basically not online. Sunday is no problem ofcourse.
Futhermore I got to read up a bit on some Ulduar hardmodes and it has been some time since I've been raiding Ulduar. But I guess it won't be a huge problem.
If there are any questions I'll read them here or contact me ingame in the evenings. If it might take a while to consider this application, I'm afk from next Friday till Monday because I have to catch a flight to London on 11th of September (fingers crossed).
Well thanks for taking the time to read my application
Last edited by Fairmont (2009-09-08 14:38:36)
Nice application,
Priest CL - Mox will answer you soon.
I will need a few days before I can give you a final answer, but your application is good.
We have a lot of healing priests, but you seem awesome. And awesome happens to be just what we're looking for.
I say no to class discrimination; a yes from me, for what it's worth!
We have decided to give you a chance at proving yourself.
Welcome to the guild.
Fairmont wrote: