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Greetings travellers.
With this topic i'm aiming to make you understand how important I can be for your guild.
Armory: … amp;n=Nomi
I know some of it isn't socketed, but it's due to laziness and lack of play in the last two weeks.
When you don't have a guild, nothing motivates me for playing WoW at all.
So I might as well start bringing out some info about myself in my spare time, when I'm not playing wow and such.
So I'm a 16 year old caucasian male (lol) from Ålesund, Norway.
I know the age might scare you guys away a bit, but fear not. I'm well dressed and an overall nice guy.
I spend my time on the computer, listening to music and playing the guitar.
I am studying Electro, and I'm aiming to become a computer engineer when I grow up, but oh.. things never turn out the way you want them to.
I understand why you don't give us pinpoints on how to write an app, but it's oh so much tiresome then, rofl.
A little info about me as a player is needed.
I'm a Gnome Arcane MAGE.
This means I'll mostly provide you with waters and int buffs, as well as insane dps.
I guess my gear is tuned for ToGC, and I aim to try that raid once.
I've cleared all of Ulduar except Yogg-Saron and Algalon, ergo 12/14.
I am the type of player than can sit 12 hours raiding, if it's progress.
I rarely turn tired and quite heavily enjoy getting those new kills. They feel oh so good!
To best prepare myself for raids, I bring Firecracker Salmon and Frost wyrm flasks.
During the raid I lower the wowsound, and let the ventrilo guide me if I have to do something different than usual tactics, in crisis situations.
I also have TBC raid experience and some pre TBC such as good ole' Ossirian and C'thun. BT was cleared, and MH was almost done, I didn't get to try sunwell, I'm afraid.
Lore is important to me, and I've read each quest all the way to 80, three times.
I have the opportunity to use all Voicechat clients you may ask me to.
My computer is greatly specced, so you don't have to worry about me going offline during our first Icecrown Citadel raid. rofl.
I hope to try out for your guild and get myself some new gear, and new progress.
I promise I won't scream at vent when I'm alone, rofl If I clear something new to me, that is. ^^
So, try me out.
I'm ready!
You like smilies, dont you?
Cryonic will get back to you shortly.
Sorry that this is taking so long, but our mage person started having internet issues the day you applied.
Are you still interested in joining?
Hey Nomi, seems like we're not too many mages at the moment, I dont see a reason to not try you out.
Whisper an officer or classleader ingame for an invite.