The Enigma Order

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#1 2009-11-10 22:33:04

Uncertified member
Registered: 2009-11-10
Posts: 2

Delorian, Draenei Shaman

Personal information

-Name: Samuli
-Age: 15, but dont let the age shock you, Age doesn't always tell everything about the person.
-Location: Finland
-Hobbies: Swimming, but it wont disturb my raiding.

Character information

Name: Delorian
Race: Draenei
Talent spec/offspec: I Play enha as my mainspec (16/55/0) been playing it from the launch of the TBC. I have elemental on my offspec, my elemental gear is mostly from uldu 25/toc 10.
Played: 57d on this char.
Professionals: Mining/Goblin engineering
Raid exp in vanilla: from ZG till AQ 40 twins with my alliance warrior séiren on xavius server.
Raid exp in TBC: Kara,gruul,maggy, full tk, full ssc, full hyjal and 3/9 BT.
Raid exp in WOTLK: Naxx 10/25, OS 10/25, Malygos 10/25, uldu10 all except algalon, uldu 25 vezax and algalon missing, Toc 10 full, toc 25 4/5, and have wiped on 1% in togc at twins big_smile

History: I Started to play World of Warcraft 4 years ago in little server called "Shadowmoon" my brother started to play there with his friends so I decided to start too. My first character was a night elf hunter. I played from 1-20 with almost only grinding but then fate took a part in my gaming and i met one finnish dude who taught me almost everything i need to know from wow. Then I leveled till 60 with normal ways like questing and instaces and things like that. I hitted 60 and started to gather my lifelong dream "Full blue gear" ;D. I got it in a week or two with insane instance farming. Then was my high time to look for a raiding guild. I got into a guild where my friend was a officer. I raided through ZG and MC but then I got so bored on my hunter and I decided to roll a warrior. I leveled a warrior with the speed of light and the insane farming started all over again when I hitted 60. Then Blizzard offered a free migration to Drak'thul named server. I migrated there with my guild and then the real raiding started. We had quite fast proggression but then we met our "Mission Impossible" it was then Twins in AQ40. We wiped and wiped till everyone got bored to it and guild crashed.


When TBC was coming i tought that i want to try something new and then I got it. I Rerolled a horde troll shaman named Delorian to Stormreaver. I leveled quite fast cause I wanted to get to the new fancy Karazhan and face the new challenges. I hitted 70 and got to a guild called "Iskuryhmä" we started from small but we had fast proggress. The bosses keeped falling till we got to Tk and Ssc. Then started the "Real raiding" as our Gm said. We had so good crew that the bosses went down with little practice. We got till vashj and then we moved to the great and hard Tk. When we started Tk everyone was like "why is thisso easy?" but then we faced Kael'thas. Kael felt like impossible to win till the nerf came and boss went down smoothly. And then Vashj went like piece of cake. Then came the "End game raiding" MH. We started to practice the bosses and they went down smoothly with good focus. When we downed Azgalor i remember our gm said "Surprise me and down Archimonde now" then we tryied 3 times and archimonde's loot was ours. We went to BT downed 3 first bosses easily but then our guild crashed.


I rerolled a dk when wotlk arrived. Got to an irl based guild and we went naxx 10 and os 10 with it. Then i got bored to death knight cause there were so many dk:s in our server. I returned to my old dear.. my SHAMAN! leveled fast and joined a guild called "Hävitetty" we raided the whole content b4 ulduar was launched and the guild migrated to Darksorrow, but i stayed in stormreaver. I was guildless for long time but then I found Shock Parade. Raided very long in Shock but then Greedi the another enha shaman got promote to GM and that was the end of me. He was very selfish leader and wanted to be the only enha shaman so he got rid of me in the first hand. Then i got so pissed of that i changed my faction to alliance and started to look for new adventures. … n=Delorian

Why apply into guild:  I changed my faction to alliance few days ago and Im in need of a really good guild and I think this might be it. Im looking for a decent guild with good players and happy raiding hours. Maybe new challenges and few loots might come with those but they aren't the main thing im looking for.

Think that's it, happy reading times! now I need a big cold glass of milk...

Last edited by Delorian (2009-11-11 16:07:49)



#2 2009-11-10 23:17:27

Guild Member
Registered: 2008-06-07
Posts: 195

Re: Delorian, Draenei Shaman

i cant see an armory link- add plx




#3 2009-11-11 00:32:29

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Delorian, Draenei Shaman

Thanks for the application.
It looks quite good, but I must honestly say that our enhancement shamas are holding pretty strong now. Nevertheless, we will look into your application and give you a response in due time course.
Could you please add a brief info as to what made you apply to The Enigma Order?

Last edited by Lamme (2009-11-11 00:33:35)



#4 2009-11-11 16:07:08

Uncertified member
Registered: 2009-11-10
Posts: 2

Re: Delorian, Draenei Shaman




#5 2009-11-13 09:49:50

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Delorian, Draenei Shaman

Thanks for baring with us.
I'm afraid we will need to decline your application for the time being. The sole reason is that currently our enhancement shamans population (consisting of a grand total of 2 speiman) fullfills our needs. Good luck in your guild search.


edit: to make my reply more true - we are currently on a lookout for an elemental shaman with gear, skills and will to do ToC25 heroic. You didn't really discuss in great details, but I thought I'd add this information in case you have some flexibility. To give you a clear view - chance that we would need you as enhancement in 25 man raids are basically nil, so backdoor through offspec and than going back to mainspec soon is not an option.

Last edited by Lamme (2009-11-13 17:28:44)



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