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Name: Gustav
Age: 19
Country: Sweden
Character: Mínkjägarn, some people may remember me as Miink, Mîînk, Minkjägarn etc etc.
Class: Hunter
Race: NE female ( currently orc because of buggy faction transfer )
Spec: MM (7/57/7), secondary specc is solely PvP.
Professions: LW/skinning
Wowarmory: none due to slow armory updates.
History about my characters and my previous guilds:
I started to play Alliance on Stormreaver, which is also where I started to raid seriously with The Core Crew.
At lvl 70 I migrated to Twilights Hammer to raid with a guild called Unleash. The greatest achievement with Unleash was probably world top20 kill of Alar(bugged aids-version of Alar) in tempest keep. We started to progress in Sunwell but after a while I had to take a break.
And when I came back, the guild had crashed because the core of it had migrated to Forte.
By now I had raided and geared up my alts with gear from alt runs etc.
With my shaman I joined the alliance version of GRAMMERPOLICE to play some PvE with.
Complete list of guilds worth to mention;
<The Core Crew> Stormreaver
<Unleash> Twilight's Hammer
<Keelhaul> Stormreaver
<Bliss> Stormscale
<Nagas from Nicaragua> Stormscale
Instances cleared on characters;
60 Druid; MC, BWL, AQ40, Naxx14/15"", + all outdoor bosses as well as 20 man instances. <The Core Crew> Stormreaver
60 Rogue; MC, BWL <The Core Crew> Stormreaver
60 Hunter; MC, BWL <The Core Crew> Stormreaver
70 Druid; Gruul, SSC, TK, Hyjal, BT, + all outdoor bosses. <Unleash> Twilight's Hammer
70 Hunter; SSC/Hyjal <Unleash> Twilight's Hammer
70 Shaman; Gruul, SSC, TK, Hyjal, BT 7/9 <GRAMMERPOLICE> Stormscale
80 DK; naxx10/25 <Klemo Data>
80 Hunter; toc10/25 (3/5 hardmodes in toc25) <Klemo Data>
additional MMORPG raiding experience; I have also raided hardcore in Age of Conan with the guild Nightmares Asylum. We cleared most of the bosses world first. Sadly 90% of all boss-encounters was bugged, so the guildmaster closed down the guild and moved on to warhammer along with 50% of the guild.
what can you expect from me?: No slack when it comes to enchants or gems etc. I have probably raided with quite a lot of the members in TEO already, So I think some of you already know what you can expect from me.
Possibility to raid: As often as I can, but I admit IRL cockblocks sometimes.
ventrilo/microphone: Oh yes.
Occupation: studying some shit due to irl-slack and too many outdoor dragons in the past!
Please tell incase I missed something or if there's something more you'd like to know.
Regards mínkjägarn
What to say about this guy....
I played with him and i have to admit he is perfect for TEO. He got my vote for sure.
Last edited by Merobo (2009-11-21 18:55:56)
Hey! the name miink is familiar, and in a good way
Are you able to add a armory link?
Looks good - GL