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About me:
I'm a 21 year old student from Belgium, who listens to the name of Ben.
Character Info:
I play a gnome warlock, named Nocton.
Total amount of days spent ingame: 160
Computer, and internet stability details:
Laptop: purchased 2 moths ago so more then capable enough to play a game like WoW on its best. Connection: never had problems with it. Allthough I heard that might chance knowing Stormreavers reputation ;-)
Are you the original owner of the account and character?
Yes. The only person that ever played on my character is me.
Talent build (Main and Secondary):
Secondary is pvp atm.
Just like to add that respeccing to affli or demo is no problem at all, kinda changing once a week with the currentwarlock status.
Equipment (Armory link): … ;cn=Nocton
Professions, and the reason for each:
Alchemy and Enchanting. Both very well developped.
Alchemy: 450 probably best on server. If you need it I have it. -know all ingame flasks-
Enchanting: 450 I know blade ward, blood draining, most boa useful enchants, mongoose, intellect from TBC -best paladin healer enchant- Same as alchemy really just need to get revered with Thorium Brotherhood to really know everything useful.
Cooking: 450 all dalaran recipes
Fishing: 380 or something
FA: 450
Availability during raid times: Avaible
Raiding experience:
Started raiding in TBC. Cleared untill Lady Vashj in SSC before the nerf patch. Downed Illidan at 70 after nerf patch. I saw mos content in TBC, tanked Leo the blind in my fire res gear.
In WotLK I joined Revelations, best raiding guild on Defias Brotherhood, thentop 100 of the world and now better ranked then epxloding labrats. I was a hardcore raider. I achieved the title Deaths demise, realm first YS0 kill in Ulduar 25. Also have Grand crusader, realm first Anub kill on heroic with 50 tries left. Just to say, I cleared nearly every single hard mode ingame. I also killed LK on 25 some weeks ago, so I'm able to unlock the heroic modes within ICC.
Former guild(s), and the reason for leaving:
I left Reve because I have a irl friend playing here and because so much raiding for 1 year really has drained me. I still like raiding but on a more relaxed way.
Why I want to join you:
You guys look like a relaxed guild with skill however, showing your results in ICC so far.
What can you expect from me:
A dedicated raider, well geared and much exp. I know the warlock class inside out.
Last edited by nocton (2010-03-04 15:20:21)
Thanks for the application. Came unexpected, so it may take us somehwat longer then usual to come up with an answer.
Meanwhile, could you elaborate on this part of your application:
I left Reve because I have a irl friend playing here
"Here" meaningon Stormreaver, in TEO?
No, well to clarify, I have a lot of irl friends playing on Stormreaver but one of my best mates, named Deneve ingame, is on this server aswell. They're all real life buddies and in a guild called Tar Valon on this server. With all the insane nerfing in ICC, the warlock class being a bit shit, my activity going down, I decided it was time to trasfer to the realm my friends play.
And take your time on any decision you make. Meanwhile I will stay unguilded until I have a better view on things.
this application was cancelled in-game.