The Enigma Order

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#1 2010-04-09 02:24:09

Guild Member
Registered: 2010-04-09
Posts: 18

Arcane mage (Sinken).

Nickname and age:
Sinken and im 23 years old.

Character info:
The character is a Gnome mage, and i am the original owner of the account.
I think arcane is the only raiding specc for mages atm so i got frost pvp specc as OS.
The mage was the first char i created when i bought wow, a few days after release, and have allways been my main character.
I got a good geared rogue (Harrylotta), and a retripala (Tjalitt) with holy os as my alts. But to be honest u dont wanna join any kind of raid where im healing on my pala tongue

Professions and gear:
Armory: … ;cn=Sinken
Tailoring and alchemy(transmutation master) are my professions and i can craft the one pair of legs i use myself if someone needs em.
My gear is pretty much icc10/25 with some random parts as the pvp back you can see on armory.

Available raiding hours:
I know u guys raid Thursdays, Sundays and Tuesdays. Thursdays i wont make it because i have footballpracc.
But as i said to Lamme ingame: I will attend as many raids as possible on Sundays and Tuesdays (that will be close to 100%) and i will show up in time for inv and i have no problem with staying up late for some last trys etc.

Raiding experience:
Vanilla: MC, BWL, ONY, AQ20 and 3 or 4 bosses in 40.
TBC: Kara, Gruul, and some bosses in SSC.
WoTLK: Naxx 10/25, Sartharion 10/25, Ulduar 10 (all minus Algalon), Ulduar 25 up to yogg, ToC10 hc cleared, ToC25 hc 1 boss downed, ICC10 up to LK, ICC25 first quarter + fester, rotface, blood prince and valithiria.

As i said earlier i got a rogue (Harrylotta) as my best geared alt, with mutilate as currently specc. My retpala (Tjalitt) does not have great gear, but i have killed some bosses in icc10 with it tongue I have never played a healer before wotlk and i have not put too much time and effort in learning how to play it well, so retri it is.

Former Guilds:
in Vanilla i played in Norse Elites all the way, it was a norwegian only guild and i met some great guys during my stay there.

When TBC came out i took a break, a pretty big one also, and when i got back i just did some pugs with some irl friends and friends from old Norse Elites.

In wotlk i joined a guild called Søvnløs, where i had many irl friends and we did only raid 10 man naxx at that time. After a while i got bored of 10 man only and joined Norse Elites again to start raiding 25 man. I stayed in NE untill ToC was released. We had so little progress, even raids, in NE that leaving was the only option to see the inside of ToC25. joined Nocturne, who currently is my guild, and i have been a loyal player since i joined. The reason im leaving (if im getting accepted by you guys) is because i cant show up to their raids because of my footballpractices.

Why i want to join TEO:
The main reason is pretty simple: You guys are a well known guild on the server, with some great progress. Im not a fan of slackraids with lots of breaks etc.
One other reason is that i really want Apocalypsè to stop spamming me in /w "u must apply to TEO nooow!" etc smile

What you can expect from me:
Im a dedicated player who will do my best in every raid, and learn taccs even before entering the instance. But some bosses you just have to 'learn by doing' also.

I know how to play my mage really well, and i will allways show up ready for a raid (best gems, enchants, flasks etc).
I consider myself as a friendly guy who will help out in the guild and of course bring a comment or two on ventrilo/in gchat.

PPL i know in TEO:
Apocalypsè, noob of the Frozen Wastes. This is a really good irl friend of mine and i love beating him in a dps race (the few times i actually do it tho). A great player imo.

Skuggefaks: I got to know Skugge when i got back after my break in TBC. He was then playing his mage, Skeletto. A great player and a really funny guy to talk to!

Frewt: Know him from the time in Norse Elites. He was one of the few skilled players we had in Norse Elites, and was a great raidleader back then.

Zonekiller: Also former member of Norse Elites. Was like Frewt and Skugge a top player in NE, and i can see from the DMG-meters Apocalypsè is spamming me with that he still got some skills smile

I might know more ppl, but these are the guys i could come up with now.

I think thats all for now. If u got some questions feel free to ask here or /w ingame

/cheers Sinken



#2 2010-04-09 16:33:03

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Arcane mage (Sinken).

Thanks for the application, we will get back to you shortly.



#3 2010-04-10 05:49:16

Founding Member
From: Steinkjer\Oslo, Norway
Registered: 2005-02-13
Posts: 1467

Re: Arcane mage (Sinken).

Hello and thanks for the application. Some people said you were good, so we'll try you out smile. Whisper an officer in game for invite.
Note that you'll start as a test player, this period should last until we got a good impression of you, should be a week or two depending on how active you are. During the test period in 25man raids, members will have priority over you when it comes to loot . You can always bid the minimum bid of 5 dkp unless a member bids.



#4 2010-04-10 16:24:40

Guild Member
Registered: 2010-04-09
Posts: 18

Re: Arcane mage (Sinken).

Nice nice, looking forward to it!



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