The Enigma Order

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#1 2010-07-13 23:17:54

Uncertified member
Registered: 2010-07-13
Posts: 1

Bartholomeo, Dwarf Priest - accepted

Hello guys. I will try to make an Application capable of giving answers to your questions. I'll try to spice it with some jokes so that it doesn't become boooring.
First of all, call me Nego.

About me
Name: Mihai Negoescu
Country: Romania
Age: 33

Character Information
Character name: Bartholomeo, people calling me Nego after my rest druid's name
Race: Dwarf
Class: Priest. Shadow Priest
Level: 80 with /played Enough for questioning myself if I’m nuts. Over 365 days on all chars.

Character profile link (WoW Armory): … rtholomeo.
My gear is decent, over 6k, enough to deliver a good amount of dps in high-end fights.
My current professions: 450 on Enchanting, Tailoring, Fishing, Cooking, First Aid

About my talent spec
Well smile hehehe There my weakness is spotted, not as player, but my personal in love for shadow priest. Because I’m really excited about this class and spec.
I am a shadow priest and I’m very proud about it; some might call it “Ahh, just a spec”, but I call it dps. I’m saying this because I realy believe feeling my spellcasting ticks&tricks is important for making me a little bit more then a MF clipper.
I use to keep myself up-to-date with, on which the TheoryCraft forums are my favourite.

Why applying to Enigma Order
Well, you know how you feel when you remember how you started raising your first char years ago? Your first quest turn-in. Your first new talent. Your first gold! Omg I M RICH! Then the community. Then the guild. The first MC raid. Then the 1st Ragnaros kill. BWL – hard work. Nefarian. And all the history. Raising new chars, meeting new people, getting new skills. Knowing more and more about every single little information about your class and spec.
After all those years, when you go into a dungeon and a 12 year old puber ninja something from the party and you don’t feel like even bothering to say nothing, that means that you are mature and you wanna play with people like you. And after over 3 years on Stormreaver, I guess I know what Enigma Order means and I guess some old members posibly knows who Nego is, as well. I was a very good friend of Wolfman, I still don't know where he dissapeared, maybe you tell me.
You prooved you can supply continuity, and I remember EO from when you used to raid before TBC. You managed to bypass a hard summer when a lot of good players stopped playing because of Blizz lack or speed in putting up faster the new challenges for the raiding guilds.
I don’t feel like being hartbreaked again for the 3rd time in this game, and this is also intended to be my last wow love marriage.
I am the kind of person who like to stay in one place and making friends and memories. So, I don’t wanna build up new memories and put feeling and then finding out the same bad luck I had with Utgard (GL Aegar left for DR, then Cartel, GL left for DR as well). I was in DR but didnt find there what I was searching for. Too much long faces, too much iron smile
I hope to find here "elders" like me.

About me and WoW
I must say that I started to play computer games when I was 10, starting with a Spectrum-Sinclair type of computer. I liked very much small action games like Miner Willy, Pogo, Prince of Persia, etc. but my first love were the adventures. I completed w/o guide all Lucas Arts first several games, like Maniac Mansion, Zack McCraken, Loom, the Indiana Jones series and Monkey Island series. I also played later some Quake n Duke Nuken things. Feels good on instinctual clicking ofc. Let’s rock further. Nobody steels our chicks, and lives!
Some people play WoW because they need to proove themselves in this virtual reality – maybe the rl is often too bitchy to give space to honor, truth and raising through hard work; other ppl play it by passion, meaning it started with watching a friend killing murlocs for an hour and liking it; some other play it for trying to reach hard targets or 5-digit achievement points; some for having great times every night laughing with friends in raids on Vent. I shall say, I play Wow because I am a little bit of all these.

About my WoW history and previous guilds
I started 3 years ago in Darkshore as a Nelf drood named Nego; I liked the leveling challenge and decided to maximize to 60 my little in-game-alter-ego. I joined Divine Knights guild and raised with them. I completed my first MC 40-man raid with the old Divine Knights, then I had my unforgettable BWL moments, as well as AQ40 and old Naxx with them. From my old guildmates, I must name Rolly, Neriel, Kaydra, Lilsilly and many many other good guys. Many of them are not playing aymore.
When WotLK came, the 2nd episode of my WoW life started. Basicaly, the old Divine Knights broke and many good players took a break. Neriel decided to pass me the guild leadership and I managed to raise Divine Knights from its own ashes. Many of the the new ppl I was selecting were rookies and new players. Selecting and trialing alot of people was a HUGE effort, until I managed to make a guild strong enough to clear Kara and Gruul’s Lair, I think we were the 3rd on server doing it. When I look backwards now, I think the huge mistake I made was I was not clever or experienced enough to raise a strong officer team to help me. That was the reason all the Divine Knights story ended with me colapsing under the work pressure. You who read this, especialy if you are officers which write on forums, which take care of webpages, which recruit new members, which set up raiding addons and which spit your guts organizing raids, for sure you know what am I talking about.
I decided to be a simple member in a new guild who migrated on Stormreaver, named Utgard. I brought with me some good players from Divine Knights – Felicita for example, one of my oldest WoW friends and serious player, now migrated to those damn Russian realms - I miss him sooo much. I continued to play the resto druid named Nego all this time, until completing Coilfang, TK, BT and SWT. Just before WotlK I rerolled shadow priest on Bartholomeo.
I continued raiding on Barth, completing everything till last year's summer, when I sudenly woke up on a ship near Booty Bay farming the Hyacinth Macaw rare parrot (which I got ). And I said, it’s time for a loooong deserved break, especialy for my family to have a real husband and father.

I am thinking of starting raiding all the 3 nights/week, being full prepared and no afks.
I make this decision for having enough time to spend with my family as well, because I am married with Sonia and we have a beautiful daughter named Iulia who just celebrated her 2 year aniversary last Sunday. I think I will perfectly fit in The Enigma Order raiding.

My biggest pleasure in WoW is raiding, so I completed everything that was possible. Not wanting to make kilometric lists of all the instances, I prefer to tell you my favourite instances and kills: Nefarian, all Kara (which imo reflects the talent of the guys who created it) and Illidan. And Naxx as well. Tbh I like them all smile
I spent months, maybe years raiding, you probably noticed from the information I wrote until now.

And something special, in case you reached until here with the reading
I always imagine a tribunal formed by my daughter (when she will grow old and she will judge me for all the moments I played games instead of staying with her), by my wife (which is already blaming me for the nights when I was raiding instead of hugging her) and generally all the irl people who are trusting me, are confident in me and wants to share time with me.
In my defence I want to add that I started playing WoW again in a moderate manner, because I realized that it really makes me pleasure, in fact is one of the few pleasures I only have. And I want to be happy for some moments in this life, not really mattering if touching the happiness means to raid with people like you, like we did tonight.
Now shoot me. wink



#2 2010-07-14 08:41:35

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Bartholomeo, Dwarf Priest - accepted

Thanks for the application. First we'll need to read it, so that will take a while. Then we need to come up with an answer, which might take another while.

Stay put.



#3 2010-07-17 02:39:48

From: Norway - Oslo
Registered: 2007-09-03
Posts: 1493

Re: Bartholomeo, Dwarf Priest - accepted

3 Mages, 3 Retribution Paladins, 3 Rogues, 3 Hunters and so on. So why not 3 Shadow Priests?
I can only hope you see my problem and why it sometimes takes so long to make a decision.

You are hereby Accepted.

Retired Priest master.



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