The Enigma Order

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#1 2010-07-29 22:39:33

Uncertified member
Registered: 2010-01-30
Posts: 3

shylendra - human shadowpriest - declined

my name is Jeppe Andersen, i am 18 year old, and livling in Denmark
Right now im just working, and that wont take time from my playing so dont worry , i got a girlfriend, who hasnt got any thing agasent me playing, so she understand aswell hehe.  i play with my 2 best friends, Kwindu the warlock  and adoraya a shammy
i belive that kwindu is applying aswell, so there is 2 great players here

Im applying because i need a nice raiding guild, a social guild, and really nice people, who can have fun and are very friendly. also whos serious in raids. not slacking, so i was thinking of you.

my char is: human male, priest, i am shadow

my proffesions are herb 450/450 , and alchemist  not so great yet 150/450 or something, a new proffestion. i can change if you need

i bring flaskes, and feast if you need to raid, and be on time, if i cant come, i will come and say, or unsign or something, whatever you use

my armory link : … =Shylendra   

i played since wow came out, clearet almost everything, i almost cleared naxx in lvl 60 aswell, aswell as lvl 70, no problems there, and 80 i tryed lichking, and i tryed hallon, but no succes

if you got any more questions, just whisper me ingame and i tell you everything you need to know smile

hoping to hear  from you



#2 2010-07-30 00:33:31

From: Norway - Oslo
Registered: 2007-09-03
Posts: 1493

Re: shylendra - human shadowpriest - declined

I'm sorry, but we currently do not have room for more priests in this guild.


Retired Priest master.



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