The Enigma Order

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#1 2010-08-29 23:12:10

Uncertified member
Registered: 2010-08-29
Posts: 2

Zlayer! Hunter - declined

○ Character Information
Name: Zlayer (will be when i move him over)
Race & Class: Night elf Hunter
Primary profession(s) + skill: Full JC
Secondary profession(s) + skill: 403 in engi
Days /played: 168 days 19 hours.
Previous guild(s): Chop Chop (i was a Sosical member of the guild)

○ Real Life Information:
Country: Norway
Age: 21
Occupation: None i think

○ Activity:
Please mention below which of the following days you are available for raiding:
My Available for raids in weeks are Everyday without Friday and Sat, becasue some days i have to take off from playing wow and be with friends, like my bestfriend Andersen! <33 love him! :P I can play from 18.00 to 23.00 .

○ How would you describe yourself?
As Andersen would have called it, Uber noob, more noob and even more noob. but ye good i shall describe myself :P. I look at myself as sosical, nice guy, helpfull and friendly.

○ Why do you want to join The Enigma Order?
First of all i heard from my bestfriend <3 that you guys is a awesome guild, and i wanna play with him.

○ Do you have the following programs/addons? (Yes / No)
- Ventrilo 3.0: Yes
- Omen Threatmeter: Yes
- Deadly Boss Mods: Yes

○ Raiding experience in Wrath of the Lich King, (normal / heroic) and the player version (10 / 25 man) of the instances.
My Experience:
Naxx time: in the naxx time i have cleared Naxx 10 and 25 Os with 2 drakes and Malygos Early.
Ulduar time: I dident raid much that time since i hated Ulduar so i only downed some few bosses.
Toc: i have pwned everything in heroic and got 50 trys remain on my war!
Ice Crown Citadel: Downed 11 of 12 heroic in 10 and 25 man!.

○ My Armory page: … =Chop+Chop

○ What spell/ability rotation do you use?
Serpent sting always up on the target - Chimera shot- aimed shot - arcane shot- steady and always use Silance shot when its available and when  i can use killing shot thats first prio

What is your avarage DPS in raids (stable DPS)?
I have atleast 10k to 11k in icc with full buff atleast!.

I know a imba site where i can combo my gems and gears to improve the best for hunters! its a hunter site! hopefully all hunters know about that site! its helped me. and it will help all others :D

Okay i need to say 1 more thing befor i end this application.
Andersen dident want me to say this, but! me and him are bestfriends forever <3 love him!



#2 2010-08-30 00:47:55

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Zlayer! Hunter - declined

That's one emotional application, by the looks of it Andersen and you have something good going there. Few questions:

- what does sosical mean?
- where did arcane shot came from in your rotation? elaborate on that please.
- while you say you did 11/12 heroics in ICC, a quick look at your achievements shows that you have not completed neither Plagueworks nor Frosthalls. This requires some background as well.

Other than the above, I must admit our hunter representation is fairly ok right now, so I don't want to give you too high hopes.



#3 2010-08-30 07:40:18

Uncertified member
Registered: 2010-08-29
Posts: 2

Re: Zlayer! Hunter - declined

social i ment, where i join raids when its not enough raiders.
Well, i can also say i got an alt warrior i not play that much on anymore. that also got a few achivs. but i know what to do there as hunter aswell,
I have talked and thinked alittle about that quest about Arcane shot and i see why i should not use it, its a spell that not help on arp if i am currect so i guess i should pref some others skills instead smile Most always learn big_smile

Last edited by Zlayer (2010-08-30 17:36:25)



#4 2010-08-31 19:36:34

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Zlayer! Hunter - declined

Like I mentioned above, our hunter ranks are rather filled at this point of time and I must also admit that the application did not impress me terribly.

Good luck in your guild hunt.




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