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Personal info:
Name: Filip Thomasson
Age: 17
Nationality: Sweden
What do you do when you are not playing WoW?: I play serious basketball, one of the best of my age right now. And when I don't play basket or gaming WoW I usaually hang out with friends and study quite alot. But this shouldn't be a problem for the raiding.
Computer details:
Average FPS during a 25m raid: Around 60.
Connection (
Have you had any connection issues lately during raids?: Not anymore, just bought a new net and it runs smoothly.
Do you have a microphone and are you able to use it during raids? Of course, I'm not afraid of talking at all.
Name: Cleanz
Class: Death Knight
Race: Night elf
Amount of /played: 56 days
Link to armory: … ;cn=Cleanz
Are you the original owner of the account: Yes box, I am
Do you share your account with anyone else: No, did it once, never again.
Intended Primary talent spec for raiding: 0/17/54 UH But I kinda intend to be able to go DW frost.
Secondary talent spec: Right now Blood tanking specc, but as said above, gonna get frost pve aswell.
Explain why you have chosen to use the glyphs you are currently using.
These are the most effective glyphs to push dps with right now, if that changes, I change it.
Are there any fights where you would consider making changes to your spec and/or glyphs?
If the guild is in need of it I don't give a damn.
How much experience do you have with your secondary spec? How much of the current content have you raided with your secondary spec?
Not played alot with the tank specc, just pugged some 10 mans and stuff, but I'm quite familiar with frost dps which I'm going asap. Played it for quite long time so shouldn't be hard to get used to again.
Which sources are you using to keep yourself up-to-date about your class?
Elitistjerks (favourite site), but also using mmo and checking out different forums to see folks opinions.
Name three addons that is a MUST for you.
Bossmod and Omen of course, guess they don't count so I'll say: Recount (to see how I do preform), Xperl (caught by it) and Hudmap ( couldn't get easier could it?)
We raid tuesday, thursday and sunday. Are you able to attend to all of these days?
That should be more then okey I guess, might have some problems one or 2 sundays a month.
Raiding experience:
How much raiding if any did you do before the launch of The Burning Crusade?
Just some ZG,MC,Onyxia,AQ20 and started with Bwl right before TBC
How much raiding did you do during TBC?
Everything except Muruu and KJ.
All of this was on my warrior.
How much of the content in WotLK have you done? Hardmodes are content so please don't leave them out.
I've been playing alot on my friends old account. And done everything HC except LK and I had tries on Halion HC but it ended up in a fail.
Guild History:
Please list your previous raiding guilds and reasons for leaving them:
Can't really remember my old guilds on this character, mostly been in friend guilds and pugged alot. But I remember I was in some guild pre ICC but can't remember since it was quite some time.
What was your role in any of your previous guilds?
In the friend guilds it was mostly officer(raid leading quite alot) But that was no serious raiding, just alot of 10 mans.
What made you decide to apply to TEO over other guilds?
You seem to be a steady guild which have a good progress who will really fit in with my raiding intress. I also heard good about this guild from my friends and never heard of bad reputation at all.
Do you know anyone in our guild that could vouch for you?
I doubt it, havn't been on the server too long, no one I can mention atleast.
Do you currently have an application to any other guild(s)?
Nope, I normally wait for the answer from the guild first and then post to another if I'm not accepted, in that way I make sure that no one will get a grudge with me.
Additional Information
What are your plans for Cataclysm?
Keep leveling my Deathknight and prolly pick up raiding as soon as I hit 85.
Have you raided with any other class other than your current one? If so, were you taking the raiding serious?
Yea, all of my characters have been raiding seriously, especially in tbc but also in WotLK.
Which is your favourite bossfight of all time, why ?
I have to go with Brutallus, I love to just sit and maximize my dps as much as I possible can in a fight which actually had a timer which was hard to make (in the start atleast).
Hope I hear from you guys soon
// Cleanz
Thanks for the application. Am I right thinking you recently migrated to Stormreaver?
In all honestly, I should say we currently have just about the DK representation we could hope for. However, given one person is having certain romance with the piracy (commonly refered to as being hacked), I'll hold back with giving you a final answer until that issue is sorted.
Two question though:
- Armory shows you wearing to pieaces of pvp gear - is that for pvp purposes indeed, or is that simply what allows you for most dps?
- you mentioned "hearing good" about The Enigma Order - could you please elaborate what your sources were?
I will try to give you an answer as soon as possibly, given new reset is just behind the corner, but I cannot give a reliable deadline right now.
Thanks for such quick answer.
Yes, I recently migrated to Stormreaver because I have some friends here.
Unfortunally the wrathful Hands and Legs is atm used because I don't have any better upgrade, altho I don't think it will be too hard to get a replacement for these.
And it's mostly from my friends I've been hearing from you, mostly comments as Steady, good guild, nice players and such stuff.
// Cleanz
Quite a bit behind us in terms of gear, plus our hacked amigo is back, gonna have to decline that one.
Good luck in your guild hunt.