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#1 2010-10-01 03:13:28

Forum User
Registered: 2010-10-01
Posts: 1

Schaft the Human Priest - declined

A Gnome walks into a bar.

Always open with a joke, works charms.

Anyways, more to the point of this, it'll be long, informative and probably dull as hell unless you like reading stuff like this. Edit: Quick recap at the bottom.

I've just read through this, and I think it might be abit long. If you have a question which you either can't find the answer to here or can't be arsed reading your way to, feel free to whisper me ingame. The name is Schâft, with one of those funny thingies over the a, a priest in Loot Inc.

Hard facts;

-Nickname; Schâft
-Specialization; Shadow
-Enjoys long walks on the beach, a quiet evening at home with a book and fine cuissine. (not sure if cuissine is correct, wildly guessing here, it's not a word I use that often.)

-Raiding Experience;
     -Molten core  /check
     -Blackwing Lair  /check
     -Temple of Ahn'Quiraj  Nearly a check, didn't get to see the demise of C'Thun before The Burning Crusade was launched tho. Got to try the wonderous "everybody run in at the same time!" tactic. Good times.
     -Naxxramas  Only time I was in Naxxramas at level 60 was when I sent my hunter in there, killed Mr. Biggles, heard Kel'Thuzad yelling and ran out screaming. At level 60. True story.
     -Zul'Gurub cleared and Ruins of Ahn'Quiraj cleared.

The Burning Crusade;
     -Karazhan  /check
     -Gruul's Lair  /check
     -Magtheridon's Lair  /check
     -Serpenshrine Caverns  Again, I want to say full check, but only killed Lady Vashj after the WotLK talents were out, so it wasn't a proper kill.
     -Tempest Keep: The Eye  Same story as SSC, had nearly everything on farm except the last boss. Killed him the same night as I did Vashj tho.
     -Mount Hyjal  Everything except Archimonde on farm, annoying!
     -Black Temple  Had 4 bosses on farm before WotLK talents were introduced, wiping on Gurtogg Bloodboil.
     -Sunwell Plateu  Heh, ye I went there once, we were about 15 people from the guild, thought we'd try and see how hard the trash was. Wiped once on the very first mob, never went back. This was mostly for fun, not a proper guild run and we only wanted to have a funrun to be able to say "Yeah, we've been there".
     -Zul'Aman  /check  Interestingly enough, when Zul'Aman was introduced all the other guilds were focusing on 25man raiding, so my guild managed to be the first ones to fully clear it on Alliance side on our server. More about this later.

Wrath of the Lich King;
     -Naxxramas 10/25man /check
     -Malygos 10/25man  /check
     -The Obsidian Sanctum 10/25man  /check
     -Ulduar 10man cleared, wiped on 25man Yogg-Saron.
     -Trials of the Crusader 10/25man  /check
     -Icecrown Citadel 10man cleared,  wiped on 25man Lich King.
     -Ruby Sanctum 10/25man not at all, for some reason people keep dying on the orbs.

That's the raiding history
Now for some guild and server history, and some character history.

I started out playing World of Warcraft roughly 8 days after it was launched in Europe. My first character was a Night Elf Hunter on Arathor, a PvE server. Back then I was green. I was a noob. I was wondering why Hunters couldn't wear shields, and how you could have 50 people in the same instance when all I ever saw was my party members. Yes I was not as traveled or knowing of WoW as I am now, which was why my Hunter only got his first mount when he was level 54.
My Hunter was good tho. I quickly learnt how to play my class, do the kiting runs in Upper Blackrock Spire (yes, this is a slight skip, but you don't want to know about all that), and how to constantly keep a target trapped. Back when feign death was actually used, and you needed to be out of combat to put a trap down.

Then, one day when I was farming in Winterspring, I saw a Mage in Everlook. The Mage had just leveled, and he was teleporting out. Two minutes later he was back in Everlook, about to ride out. My mind was aflame! Could characters actually do this, go to a capital and back to farming that quickly? I had to find out.
Thus started my adventures as a Mage. At first it was me and a friend, we had planned on leveling up as a fire and a frost mage together. I lost him around level 20 and continued to level all the way to 60, making the Mage my new main and finally entering the world of raiding. Never raided with my hunter, had the option to do it but I never saw the point. But then I was on my Mage, had gotten some semi decent gear, and my guild leader asked if I wanted to come to MC. I joined them on their first full run of Molten Core, managing to rush through the entire place in just 4 hours. I was amazed! Was this the reason why people played World of Warcraft? Why had I never tried this before?
Well, that night I started raiding, and I quickly became obsessed. I had to be the best, the one doing the most damage, the one surviving, the one who didn't fuck up. I was elevated to the rank of Raider, and was there when my guild was wiping thorugh Blackwing Lair, wiping through Temple of Ahn'Quiraj. Fun Fact; The first night we managed to kill Nefarion, we also made a record fast run through Molten Core aaaaaaaaaand it was the night we got the legendary drop from Ragnaros. That was an amazing raiding night.
Well, it's not all good in vanilla, I had my stupid moments. Not having a threat meter was one of them, and on trash I enjoyed unloading a bit too much, resulting in my death quite often. And when the talents for The Burning Crusade was released, I kinda went for all the damage talents, and forgot to get the threat reduction talents, resulting in an epic guild wipe after 10seconds on Twin Emperors.

Tired of reading yet? We still got The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King to go through, so hang in there!

At the time The Burning Crusade was launched I had a puny level 20ish priest on Burning Blade. For some reason, I found myself playing it when I was bored of leveling my mage in hellfire. And I liked my priest. I loved my priest. I found a class that could do damage AND heal simultaneously! I started playing, and playing, and before long I found myself in Scarlet Monastery, hitched up with a druid called Ayrie, and before long we were racing eachother to be 70. I won by about 15minutes I think. Anyways, we got to 70, I was introduced to some more of her friends, (they're not playing anymore), and we joined a guild called Emperium. Yes, awesome name, I know. I've skipped abit here, I was in a few other guilds at first, as a healer, but then me and Ayrie went together and joined Emperium.
This was around the time I had found out that shadow was fun, had done a few instances with it, and I liked it! Can still remember the first time I entered Karazhan with an Emperium raid. Raid Leader challenged me to overaggro, to see if I could dps at all, and I did manage to overaggro the first mob in the instance. Yes, the tank had forgotten to use Righteous Fury, but that's not the point! Anyways, I continued to raid as shadow through Karazhan, but when we started wiping on High King Maulgar in Gruul's Lair, our guild leader decided to take a trip to Korea to visit his girlfriend. Two weeks passed, we didn't hear from him, and me and my friends left the guild to reform as Loot Inc. We took all the good players, all the silly players and all the fun players with us. Don't think we left alot of people behind actually. I took up the job of leading raids, and we started killing stuff, clearing Zul'Aman in about two weeks. It was fresh and we were the first on Alliance side.
After having cleared Karazhan and Zul'Aman we hit a bump in the road tho. Raiding 25mans was not for us apparently. We struggled to get people for SSC and TK. When we had people, we did good, easily killing bosses, but people were to fluid in their raiding, sometimes not showing up for raids, being late etc. We were struggling, which was why we never managed to have good wipe nights on Vashj, we never even got to try Kael'thas as a guild, Archimonde we didn't dare touch because we'd rather focus on gearing up the few players we had and try to progress on fights we were told was easier.

And then, Wrath of the Lich King came around. I'd finally get to do Naxxramas, the only instance I hadn't seen in Vanilla. Well, we started out strong, lots of players wanting to join us and do the instance.
Started out good, clearing Naxxramas, Malygos and Sartharion with not too much trouble. And then we started coughing and harking again. So we were sick of it. We jumped server, and came to Stormreaver, for reasons I can't remember anymore.

Here we tried starting up Loot Inc again, but we didn't get enough of our members to join us in the transfer, so we ended up joining other guilds. Most of us went with Anastasis, but then that guild died aswell, and we few Loot Inc'ers got bored. We decided, Horde, that's gotta be a good idea! so a good few of us rolled Horde characters, leveled up, started clearing Naxxramas and geared up, got into Ulduar and got as far through it as to Mimiron before the Curse of Loot Inc struck once again. We heard whispers of a new instance coming out, Trials of the Crusader it was called. Once more, we jumped ship, so as to be able to raid, and found us in a new guild. Unfortuantely they apparently only lliked one of us, so most of us didn't get to raid, and we went back to being bored. Most of us went back to playing Alliance again. Then, Icecrown Citadel. After being sick of ToC, ICC was a breath of fresh air. We started out good, called most of our player core out of the shadows to rejoin with Loot Inc, and we started doing ICC. We progressed, not too slowly, and we actually managed to hold together. We were focused on 10mans now tho, seeing as we had had nothing but bad luck with 25mans.
We killed the Lich King and as of today we're trying to get more bosses in heroic ICC10 down.
But, the problem is, today we're lucky if 7 or 8 people in our raids are guild members. We usually have to pug, or get friends from other guilds to join us, because most of our players have gone to sleep it seems. Which is why I'm writing this post. I'll tell more in the recap.

Quick recap of everything above;

Started out as a nelf hunter on arathor, never raided with it.
Went to mage, raided za, mc, bwl, aq20 and aq40. cleared all those instanced except for C'Thun, didn't get him. Never went to naxx.

Tbc hit the world, started playing my priest on burning blade, leveled it to 70 and it has been my main mostly since the start of tbc.
Raided kz, za, gruul, maggy, ssc, kt, mh and bt with him. didn't kill the last bosses in kt, ssc and mh, and only got 4bosses down in bt before the wotlk talents were launched.

Wotlk comes around, jumped server again with my "friends", raided naxx, maly, sarth, uld, toc and icc. Been mostly focused on 10mans, because we're a small guild, and the later part of tbc put us off 25mans.

Wow, quick recap went alot faster than writing all of that. Anyways, more about my character now

I've played my priest since the start of The Burning Crusade, been through all the instances, seen all the bosses (lies, I still haven't seen all of SWP /cry) and I like to think of myself as a good player. I know what buttons to push, when to push them and when to stop pushing them. I like wiping, in fact I love it (wiping in vanilla, fun days!), okay maybe I don't love it, but they do make good stories sometimes, and if they serve a purpose I'll wipe like never before.

I've been through most of WoW, done the quests, done the instances, and having played since the starting days of vanilla I've seen the changes to the game.

What else, what else....
The name is Jørn, I'm 23years old and I'm from Norway. I play on a laptop (don't laugh) using a keyboard and mouse plugged into it. Also a headset.
I can raid everyday, at every hour, unless something should arise that keeps me from the computer.

Yupyup, forgot about that, here's a magical link which'll show you my fancy dress; Heh, uhm, yeah, there would be a link here if armory was working, but it isn't, hence the lack. I'll try to remember updating this at a later point with the link.

Edit: Magical link to faraway places! … ch%C3%A2ft

Further Editing: Wasn't able to reply to my post, very confusing, but I'll just post my reply to Obscure's post here then.
I understand that TEO has quite alot of norwegian players, and I haven't really played alongside norwegian players since back in vanilla, and since I liked it back then I think I'd like to do it once again. As to my leveling/playing in cata, I plan on doing the same as I did when WotLK came out; Level quickly, get gear and jump into raiding as soon as possible.

Edit: <insert text>

Last edited by Schaft (2010-10-01 21:36:42)



#2 2010-10-01 13:10:45

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Schaft the Human Priest - declined

Long application, me likes. Update with the link once it's possible, obviously no remotely sane person is able to type the nick of your toon, hence it would be hard to find on my own.

Other than that, our head priest will get  back to you in course of few days.



#3 2010-10-01 13:54:16

Founding Member
From: Norway
Registered: 2005-07-23
Posts: 6853

Re: Schaft the Human Priest - declined

Why do you want to join TEO? how do you plan on playing/levelling in cata?



#4 2010-10-03 19:32:24

From: Norway - Oslo
Registered: 2007-09-03
Posts: 1493

Re: Schaft the Human Priest - declined

I'm sorry, but there is no room for additional raiding priests in this guild atm.
Good luck in your search.


Retired Priest master.



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