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Name: Alex
Age: 20
Location: Finland
Internet: 24M/1M
Computer: late-09 iMac
Main: Axc, resto druid, feral (tank) OS
Armory: … &n=Axc
Serious alt(s): Töpcl, mage, Phí, resto/elemental shaman
Started playing with my mage couple of months before WotLK, however, stopped quite quickly after reaching lvl 80 - didn't have any idea about endgame. Returned to the game during 3.1 just couple of months before launch of ToC, geared up and "learned to play" in Ulduar and ToC.
As the ToC content was getting bit boring after months of it, decided to roll an alt druid. After hitting 80 found out that healing is serious stuff and even with it's possible frustrations it seems a bit more fun and challenging than just pressing 2 buttons as an arcane mage - and that's they way I've been playing since that.
Shortly after 3.3 had to go for my military service and ended up doing a lot of PuGing for the next 9 months. During that rolled yet another alt, shaman and went with resto at 80 - educating experience to go with bit more reactive swing healing model besides the more proactive healing model of resto druids. After my military service returned to finish up as much content as was possible before the Cataclysm times.
ICC10HC: 10/12 (lacking putri+lk)
ICC25HC: 10/12 (lacking sindy+lk)
RS: 10+25
ToGC: 5/5 10, 3/5 25
Ulduar: 10+25, proto drake from 10
Former and current guild(s):
Started up with Ancíent Warrìors, raided with them for 3.2 and start of 3.3 - during my military service the guild stopped 25-man raiding. Had already my druid as social on Nocturne, was accepted as a raider and spent the rest of 3.3 and early 4.0 there. On Cataclysm Nocturne is going for 10-mans and I'm more oriented towards focused 25-man raids.
Friends in Enigma Order:
Johnreaper, Tyler, Busm, Utopie
Why Enigma Order?
I'm more hardcore-oriented raider and I'm looking forward to Cataclysm raids and the new healing model and chance to beat those challenges as a healer. I've got couple of good friends inside Enigma Order and I'm hoping to get a chance to join the roster. I consider myself as good healer with knowledge from various healing styles and mechanics and I'm hoping that you can find use for those skills.
With regards,
Hey chuppy puppy
Thanks for the applycation, you will hear from us soon.
It's not every day that one meets polite and skilled people wile trying to make a 25 man PuG happen, enough of a reference to earn a test period.
Catch me in game, we'll have a chat about few things.