The Enigma Order

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#1 2011-09-21 20:38:06

Guild Member
Registered: 2011-09-21
Posts: 13

Sofiis Human Mage - accepted

Hello there!

Applications arent my biggest strength but i will give it a go..

About Me :

Im a 20 (soon 21) year old dude from stockholm Sweden that have played WoW on and off since its release.
I have mostly played the class of Shaman and the role as a healer during whole vanilla tbc and also during wotlk. The mage im playing on now where created during the end phase of Wotlk so i dident get to raid that mutch with it during wotlk.  But ive devolped great skills with the class and have always wanted to play as a mage and have done it good aswell in the beginning of cata aswell as some icecrown in wotlk.

Vanilla EXP: I Where in a guild on frostmane named mortificare that dosent excist anymore sadly, we where a swedish guild that started from scratch where i was in the guild during the whole thing, from zg to BWL and some in aq 40 before i took a pause from the game. We ventured through all the raid instances quickly and made a good name of our self ( this was with my shaman still, just giving some feedback regarding my raid exp, so bare with me! smile ) I came back during the end phase of vanilla but dident achiv that mutch before BC.

BC: Migrated to ragnaros to play with my brother and raided some aswell during BC. My exp of BC isent that large due i wherent hardcore during BC, but i where inside KZ aswell as Magtheridons liar, raided as a resto shaman still here, but tryed out some raids as a warlock aswell.. Thats about it regarding BC sadly....

Wotlk: Leveld up as a druid at the start, ( as resto ofc...) Did some naxxrammas and Ulduar when it released and where in a semi hardcore guild. After a while i gave my character away and started to lvl my Shaman again. Joined up in a guild Named Lyrics, this is on the server Stormscale.  There i raided from 3-5 days a week during the ToC times, and we hade 5/5 heroic there and it where a good guild i really liked raiding with. When Ice Crown released we where one of the first guild on the server to down the first wing.. that isent anything to brag about due it only where a mather of how erlie your particulary guild started raiding and such. We reached PP on 25 man normal when the guild disbanded due inactivity.. A while went with alot of pugging and some PVP aswell. Until i joined up with a guild Called Cause and Effect, where i was raid leading our second 10 man raiding group, this was still very erlie in Wotlk and i where in the guild for about 1month or somthing untill it disbanded aswell but we downed the first 2 wings and then ppl went inactive for some strange reason. After CaE disband i where kinda tired of the game and when inactive ONCE more.. (he he ) and started to lvl my mage, that is now my main Character. Dident achiv that more in Wotlk more due the era of pug times came, so i pugged alot in the end of wotlk.

Cata: i transfered here to Stormreaver and joined up with a guild named Eternum. Eternum where a social guild for startes during the beg of cata so the core decided to create another guild for those interested to go more Hardcore then the social stuff eternum hade to offer. So we created the guild Sirocco, we progessed good in BwD and downed everythign except the 2 last ones, aswell as 2/4 in BoT, downed 1/2 in ToTfourwinds.  we where just about to get them 2last bosses in Bwd down when our GM whent inactive due he wanted to try on the then new game called Rift. He was also our raid leader but left the responsability to me and 2 other players that i still have contact with and that are still active. We tryed to recruit new players to those that whent inactive after the gm "left" but it all colapsed and we only managed to down the bosses we hade already down and made no progess at all due ppl where only online during raid times.. I went inactive for 5 months .... ( cant look good that i have been inactive as many times as i have been..) 

Present: Have started to play again 2 weeks ago, and the game isent at all what it been when i left it, my gear is kinda outdated but i have done my best gearing it up and catch up with the other casuals out there trying to get recruited by guilds, and i have to say that im glad with what i have achived this far, still doing good in raids and pull out alot of dmg with thoughts on my gear.. And are working alot to improve my gear aswell as my performance during encounters to help out as much as i can as a mage.  I have only been active now for 2 weeks but are positive about how ive managed to keep up during pug raids therefore ive know caught so much courage that im writing an apply ..

How i got info abut your guild specific where through a simple /2 message, and got caught up by Chaug that gave me some fast info and asked me to apply, he said that you guys where in the look for a ranged dps. I explained to him aswell about my situation being inactive and receantly started to play again, and he told me it dosent HAVE to be that greatof an obstacle. So thancks to him im applying right now smile

Now my exp as a mage, i would it say its good. Even very good if u consider the amount of time ive played the class, switching from healing to dmg dealer wherent that big of a leap due its more or less the same for casters, only now im doing dmg, not healing it:) Im atm playing as Arc, but when i started to raid as mage in Cata i was playing Fire. Due to the raid encounters and my role as a dmg dealer, i switched to arcane couse i where able to pull out more dmg then fire in it due the gear question. But i have no problem at all to switch to fire if the guild needs me to!  Can handle both the speccs good so it dosent really mather at all for me:)  an armory link of my gear atm … iis/simple .

Bare with me that im in HC gear atm, due the farming of VP so that i can upgrade my gear. but for a full insp of me in raid gear can be done quickly and swiftly ingame if needed smile not that big of a difference, i only switch out the darkmoon trinket against the tol barad trinket more or less aswell as reforging some gear to hit. I know the gear looks poor and that i prolly could have upgraded it a bit more during these 2 weeks, but im saving atm for the tier 11 peices, so the wand for an example had to wait hmm as long as bracers and a new belt :s But belive me its on its way ! so as i said before, bare with me.

Cataclysm Raid experiense :

As i said before BwD all bosses except 2 on normal ofc.

ToTfw 1/2 havent attempt al akir hmm

BoT 4/4 nailed the 2 last ones last week! smile big up! haha.

BH 2/2 LoL ^^
Firelands: Havent even tried it out once yet :s havent dared tbh and my gear would prolly not give me a inv to a pug even if i would beg for it..

My ambitions is to progess and to try ion the HC modes for all of the raid instances in Cata, but the time havent let me do that aswell as some bad luck with my old guild Sirocco and so on. But im really phsyced to try them on and would gladly do it with you guys if u would let me. One important thing i would like to state aswell is that i really dont want you guys thinking that im just another random scrub looking to lewtwhore some good items from u guys aswell to collect some kewl achivs....<.<... even if it would be awesome tho wink haha. No But seriously, as i said before my passion with this game is to PLay Hardcore, otherthings in it dosent mather to me tbh. And when chaug told me you where recruiting a ranged dps i thought to my self that this is a chance that i might not get again until the next content release, and i dont really fancy the idea pugging content until that happens. I want to dig in to the shit and do it all from the beginning and stand there at the end of the day with my "guildies" and tell my self, damn we did good, we actually managed to ( for an example) down whole FL HC. But im not only in for the good times, i like the hard times aswell with everything it includes with raid after raid with wipe after wipe, and then the day finally come when we manage to down it comes, and u couldent be more happier for yourself and the guild aswell.  okay to skip the sentimental crap^^ . I hope you get the picture ..^^

My proffetions is in the armory link i hope, otherwhise its Alch And herbalism. Herbalism for the sweet haste buff and alch for the option to make your own flasks and such!.

This app came out to be longer then id expected and im soz if ive hurted your eyes with my bad spelling and such... Hope youve got the info you are after about me and my raiding exp and what sort of player i am, aswell as other stuff that are important.  My name is Anthony btw... if i havent already typed that in... Dont dare to scroll up and read what ive written again... haha.  regarding my computer, there is no issiue with it and i got the vent u are using and i will be able to raid everysingle day if needed by me! aswell as help out with farming and valor point farming in HCs and so on smile

Hope to see you guys and be a part of your guild reall soon! Otherwhise ! /wave if u see me runnin around in circle in sw smile

PS: i really hope u got everything you need to make a decision now.. if ive missed anything, just /w me or write an reply here at the post! thanks ! // sofiis

edit again... i dont claim to know or that im chaugs freind just saying that he where the one giving me the information about the guild ! haha smile

edit : btw the gear is a bit updated now aswell. 361 ilvl.. still not that mutch, but the gear im having atm on the armory is bad info. hope they update to the current gear asap. - accepted

Last edited by sofiis (2011-09-22 01:03:57)



#2 2011-09-21 23:14:22

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Sofiis Human Mage - accepted

Thanks for the application, we'll get back to you shortly.

That guy Chaug btw, he's a real duche at times, I'm glad he didn't give you a bad impression of us or anything.



#3 2011-09-21 23:30:16

Guild Member
Registered: 2011-09-21
Posts: 13

Re: Sofiis Human Mage - accepted

hahah! noted ! smile



#4 2011-09-22 09:59:17

Rogue Class Leader
Registered: 2009-11-29
Posts: 307

Re: Sofiis Human Mage - accepted

hehe chaug the man.. hes cool in he´s own gnooomis way.. smile nice applycation btw



#5 2011-09-22 14:10:20

Leading Team
From: Finland
Registered: 2007-08-23
Posts: 466

Re: Sofiis Human Mage - accepted


Fix yourself a head enchant and int on bracers as well as a int/hit gem on chest (due to 20 int socket bonus) before your first raid, 65 mastery on gloves and 20 stats on chest are optional for the 359 items.
For most FL fights arcane is optimal but for Alysrazor fire is required so plan your specs accordingly prior to raids.
Relevant topics at are a good read if you haven't seen them already.

Welcome aboard!
Pester any officer for a guild invite and Lamme for the raid sign up invite.

Last edited by Wrion (2011-09-22 14:27:11)

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