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So... anyone excited?
Pandaran Monk...
May just tempt me to get yet another expansion.
Well, i might not be the biggest fan of the race, but the new class Monk i belive in. Always fun when they bring a new class into the game Gonna be fun to see it in action. Dont know if i am gonna lvl one, but for now it look like i am gonna play the expansion I also kinda like the new talent stuff, will be fun to play and experiment on.
OMG! Pokemans
Starting Zone pandaria:
Also something cool. Subscribe to WoW for a year, get a digital copy of D3 for "free" - and "Tyrael's Charger" WoW mount. Easily the best looking mount I've seen so far.
I subbed for a year. After 5 (6?) years of wow i dont see myself quitting within 12 months, not for good atleast, and diablo 3 i'm buying no matter what, so i save cash on it in the end. A good nice plus is getting to test pandaria, i never got into wotlk, tbc or cata betas :<.
For the most part i like the new features, I really hope this works to make things more varied. Also the new zones look great.
Hmm World of Warcraft Monk or Diablo 3 Monk?
Seems like an easy one to me.
And Challenge mode for heroics? Really? Like people already dont do heroics fast enough.
Last edited by Grimbold (2011-10-22 09:29:53)
i am more wondering who/what will be the main antagonist... i mean we have killed off almost all characters by now.
ensiferrum wrote:
i am more wondering who/what will be the main antagonist... i mean we have killed off almost all characters by now.
As far as I've understood it, there won't be a main antagonist as we've been used to having so far. The expansion will focus more on the Horde versus Alliance war. This might, or might not, be a good thing. We'll see
I think the monk class sounds pretty cool though!
I think it's the first time when expansion doesn't get me excited at all. I can barely find anything i like about it. And no, wowpokemon idea doesn't sound fun to me.
Only thing that would be interesting to test out are new talents, but i don't like the idea of dark archangel using all shadoworbs - it was a nice combo to do resonable damage.
I feel very lucky with upcoming expansion because everything i have read so far hasn't got me excited. So maybe i manage to stay away this time after launch of new expansion
if Tully is right i dont see what will be good. i mean, we are going to higher level, ergo more powerful etc, and we are meant to raid agains more powerful bosses... but whats more badass then Deathwing? has to be a titan.
this just sounds so fucking stupid....
I honestly dont understand what's people issue with pandas...
I must say its the first expansion that doesnt really interest me eventhough its supposed to be "pvp" expansion. But I think they are way too late so start making a pvp expansion. Are there really enough people interested about pvp anymore? I dont think so.
After a couple of days the idea is kinda growing a bit on me. I mean, if you ignore the pandas, and the new class that this game doesn't need, then everything else looks pretty cool. Awesome landscape, cool music, talent revamps etc.
I've just started thinking of this expansion as a really short one before the next REAL expansion.
But yeah, I've looked way more forward to the previous expansion nonetheless, even though cata is kinda disappointing.
a bit sad that Mist of Pandaria is essentionally Kung Fu Panda.
I't just absolutely refreshing, yet not one bit surprising and not in the smallest bit surprising to read through all the sorry whining. We get:
- new zones,
- new race,
- new class,
- talent redo,
- increased level cap,
- new raids,
- new pvp content.
I mean, really, booo, that just sounds so bad.
New zones?! Who needs new zone?!
- well, quie a few people does and is happy about it. You don't like it, don't go there, speed level through instances and continue sitting in Stormwind. It's just so much better.
New race?! A panda, I mean, really?!
- well fair enough, not the most badass concept ever, but let me remind you all the fuss about how worgens and goblins were a completely ridiculous idea and whatnot.
New class?! Bollocks!
- Devastating really. A brand new element to add to the equasion, whole new aray of abilities brought to the table, just plain bad! It's going to ruin the pvp balance! Oh, wait, there's no balance in the first place, that's what we cried about before the expansion was announced.
Talent redo?! Like we need it!
- same story as before Cataclysm. Everyone and their mother were proclaiming the world comming to an end since the x% of z was about to be small than y^2. I somehow don't hear people crying out loud for WotlK talent trees to be back.
Increased level cap?! Leveling, again?!
- granted it took roughly 24 hours to reach the Cata cap, I don't really think the need to gain few extra levels is going to be devastating. And the pre-raid gearing up at an early stage - ie. when 5 man heroics still needed cc - was very widely considered fun.
New raids?!
- yeah, that just blows so bad.
New pvp content?! Amagad!
- don't like it, don't touch, but stop spoiling the fun for those who are into pee wee pee bouts.
Seriosuly, stop crying that a change is bad, just because it...changes stuff.
It's kinda funny (sad!) how much people are complaining everytime Blizz announces changes to the game. I don't just mean in this forum but everywhere. A lot of what I read seems to be just pure whine just for the sake of whining as there are often no good arguments against the new stuff, just "this is lame"-comments. Fair enough that you don't find all of it lovely at first sight/presentation but I can't understand at all why people complain so much and still go out and buy the expansions. If it doesn't sound fun at all then noone forces you to play. Ah well, I guess some things will never change
People always seem very sceptic about new things, then they are implemented and often not at all so bad. This just seem to be forgotten next time new stuff is presented.
I personally look very much forward to this next expansion, especially because of pandas and pet battles. I don't really care that its obviously inspired by certain other things, I will for sure have a blast with it. I think it is nice with a not so badass race like pandas, but I do also in general get most laughs from childish/silly things I think people would have been whining no matter what race they had decided on (as seen before).
For the new class, well as long as I haven't tried it I'm not going to assume anything about it, however, to me it does sound fun. Could be my new favourite or maybe I'll hate playing it as much as rogue! I feel quite sure that there will be enough monks ingame even if I shouldn't like playing it, so that's fine either way.
For the pvp balance I think Lamme said it well, what balance? I see no major issues there.
New talent systems...personally I think they've become better with each change so I am not concerned. I do think it will be hard to avoid "cookie cutter specs" like they wanted to, but we'll see.
The pet battles seems to be quite similar to another game, yes, but so what? I can't wait to try it out! This is right up my alley and I'm quite sure many hours will be spent on this.
I generally really like that they are focusing on us having more stuff to do when at max level. So many people are just parked in SW nowadays doing nothing or qeueing. While groups can be really fun I enjoy playing by myself also, so the fact that they put more options in for solo gameplay is just awesome.
I must admit this next expansion have got me much more excited than the one we currently play, so thumbs up from me so far.
That was a few thoughts from a happy panda
Last edited by Maxilla (2011-10-24 16:24:20)
imho, tauren are every bit as ridiculous as pandaren, with crappier looking cities.
I must say that I do think taurens looks more badass than pandas, it's warcraft, not cuddlecraft
i think blizzard is trying to milk us of more money, basically giving us more of the same as any other expansion, as lamme so kindly demonstrated... and the worst part is working.
Well the 12 month deal isn't bad if you plan to play D3 anyways
ensiferrum wrote:
i think blizzard is trying to milk us of more money, basically giving us more of the same as any other expansion, as lamme so kindly demonstrated... and the worst part is working.
it would be quite weird if a game _company_ did not try to milk us for more money.