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Hi everyone,
Some might remember me: I raided with TEO till the Ulduar hard-modes back in 2009. I quit for 2 years and now I'm back and want to have a go with raiding again. For those who don't know me: I'm a 21 y/o guy from the Netherlands. Currently at university studying communication sciences. I work at a bar and my working nights are monday, friday (sometimes) and saturdays.
Currently item level 360 and gearing/enchanting up. Zero Cataclysm raid experience, but have WotLK raiding experience with hard-modes. I have 522 JC, leveling enchanting (338), FA 519.
My main spec is elemental at this point, want to gear up that first and then I'll go resto off-spec again.
Really hungover at the moment and can't really think of any more info. If you have any questions: go ahead.
I hope you guys will have me.
Hey Dokal. There is a little problem, we have changed our schedule now and we raid on Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays. I understand you would not be able to join Monday raids on a regular basis?
Hee Lamme, my current schedule is that I work every other week on monday. So I would the monday raid once every two weeks.
I'd like to try you out, but right now your gear is simply not good enough.
Once you get some more reasonable set, update the application and provide and Armory link, then we'll talk.