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Real life information
Name: Daniel Slack
Age: 23
Country: UK
School: University Degree - Graduate
In game information
Armory Link: … yne/simple (I'm well aware of the gloves enchant, its on my to-do list)
Spec: Frost MS / Blood OS
DPS: 25,000+
Proffesions: Blacksmithing / Engineering
Play: Start of Vanilla til now with numerous breaks
Alt(s): Plenty, all over the place and on various servers.
Raiding Experience
Raid led and cleared: MC / BWL (up til Chromaggus)/AQ20
Played a priest healer throughout most and swapped to a hunter towards the end.
The Burning Crusade
Raid led and cleared: Kara / Gruul
I didn't like TBC much so leveled to max level and had a huge break throughout. Played a Shaman as my main throughout.
Wrath of the Lich King
Raid led and cleared: Naxx / Obsidian Sanctum / VoA / EoE / Ulduar/ ToC / Ony / ICC
Played a warlock as main throughout most. Also cleared all instances with a rogue, a mage and a deathknight
Raid led and cleared: Baradin Hold / Blackwing Decent / Bastion of Twilight / Throne of the Four Winds.
Firelands = 4/7
DS = 8/8 LFR clear (thanks to my raid leading and teaching people the tactics >.<)
DS = 1/8 normal 10man (DPS was miles behind what it should have be with the rest of the group)
Played a Mage initially and then swapped to my DK at the start of the FL patch. Have tanked and DPS'd all fights listed sucessfully on Magitheridon (horde side)
I play off a laptop which has seen better days since I finished uni. However I am replacing it next week just before Xmas so that shouldn't be an issue. I have no lag issues that I can remember that haven't been related to my less than healthy current laptop.
My tanking gear is infact better than my DPS gear at the moment (full ilvl 378) however thats due to the last boss in End Time being shitty and not dropping my shoulders which I need so bad. (Helm I can replace easily next week using valor points so I'm not fussed about it)
Previous guilds and reason for applying to The Enigma Order
I'll be brutally honest, I've been on Stormreaver most of the last few years hwoever recently me and a small group of friends migrated to Magitheridon for a change of pace and to find a 25 man raiding guild that isn't "OMFGWTFBBQ" hardcore mode about attendance since we all have various life commitments that would mean the odd day would be unattendable for some of us. However we have now moved back to Stormreaver and currently reside in our old guild Arisen which has been around since Vanilla days (on a different server).
I'm applying for Engima Order since I miss the old days of 40 man raids and the feeling of being part of a bigger picture. 25 man raids really appeal to me and thus, here I am.
I consider myself very mature and can easily take charge of situations or raids if required however I think its time I became part of a bigger team and meet some new people before this game gets too sour for me.
Anyways, I hope you like my application.
You can contact me in-game or here, I'll be keeping an eye on the forums.
(One more thing, If I do get accepted then I hope I can have a bit of time to say my goodbyes to my current guildies so am unlikely to 'on the spot' /gquit)