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Country - UK
Age - 23
Studying at the moment .
Character info: … rya/simple
Playing a warlock since early Wotlk played it purely in pvp during s2-4 alongside raiding on my vanilla/tbc main which was a mage (also transfered to SR)
Joined WoW: Month after release.
How many percent of our raids can you attend?: 95%-100% - After the 24t of Januray. Atm i am studying heavily for the upcoming exam session and i play no more than 2 hours a day.
Proffesions : Alchemy (elixir) 5 points to be maxed, Tailoring - 449-525
Your goals
To see everything the game has to offer.
Why would you like to join The Enigma Order?
Ive stopped playing during early cata due to amount of studying and slight boredom with the content. Now the heaviest part of the year is done and since the 24th ill have a huge gap until July exams which i might as well fill with raiding. I got contacted by Lamia when she somehow noticed im online. Right now both my gear and the ability to play are bad since i had the break but from the 24th ill improve quickly.
What is your pre-tbc raiding experience?
MC/BWL/AQ40 to Cthun/Spider Wing cleared in naxxramas. (Mage) - Ainulindale on SR
What is your TBC raiding experience?
SSC/TK/MH/BT/SWP up to felmyst. (pre-nerf) (Mage) - Ainulindale on SR
Wotlk - IC - Everything up to Sindragosa HC which cartel never killed. Hallion on normal
Cata- Up to Nefarian on normal, up to Cho'gal normal and Al'akir normal with Dellirium Tremens before it broke down due to inactivity, which is when i took my break.
Thank you for taking time to read my application.
Accepted, obviously wilth all the reasonable caveats about gear etc etc.
Good to have you again.