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Name: Kristoffer
Age: 18
Nationality: Norwegian
Character name: Unlèashèd
Level: 85
Race: Worgen
Class: Mage
Main Spec: Fire
Off Spec: Fire (PvP atm)
Armory Link: … A8d/simple
Professions: Engineering (508) and I am currently skilling Jewelcrafting.
Attendance (how often can you raid):
Monday: Available
Tuesday: Available
Wednesday: Available
Thursday: Available
Friday: every 2nd week I work friday and saturday from 23:00 - 03:30 as a bouncer at a pub.
Saturday: every 2nd week I work friday and saturday from 23:00 - 03:30 as a bouncer at a pub.
Sunday: Available
Why do you want to leave your current guild?:
I am not currently in a guild. Played horde until recently, but I decided to migrate back to Alliance because all my friends play Alliance.
I used to be in "Seek N Destroy" on horde side, they've currently got 3/8 heroic downed, and therefore that is my current progress as well.
Previous guilds and progress:
70 (TBC):
Char: Myromance (Stormreaver EU) - Hyjal Summit (cleared), SWP (Cleared), Black Temple (Cleared), The Eye (Cleared), Magtheridon (Cleared), Karazhan (Cleared), SSC (Cleared), Gruul (Cleared).
Everything listed above was cleared during the TBC Expansion, not in later expansions.
80 (WoTLK):
Char: Myromance (Stormreaver EU) - Ulduar 10/25 (cleared with hardmodes included, all hardmodes done at 10 and almost every at 25), Naxxramas (Cleared), Icecrown Citadel (Cleared, with some heroic bosses included), Sartharion (Cleared), Halion (Cleared)
85 (Cataclysm):
Char: Myromance (Stormreaver EU) - BoT (Cleared), BWD (Cleared), Tot4w (Cleared).
Char: Unlèashèd (stormreaver EU) - DS 10 normal (Cleared), DS 10 Heroic (3/8).
For how long have you played WoW?: I've played wow for 7 years now, been changing characters a lot, quit a few times and had 3 different accounts overall (due to sale of account because I quit, and such)
Why do you want to join TEO?: I wish to join TEO because I'd like to have a decent raiding guild. I enjoy doing PvE, and to enjoy it fully I need a nice guild to do PvE Progress with.
Do you know anyone in TEO?: I have played with quite a few of your members, but I do not "know" anyone well.
What can TEO expect from you?: You can expect a decent mage, that stands ready to raid and help out whenever I can. You can expect me to follow the rules and behave nicely towards guildies and other people.
You can expect me to represent the guild the best way I can.
Regards, Unlèashèd.
Thanks for the application, we will get back to you shortly.
Poke someone from the leading team when online to get invited. You will have events scheduled for next reset in GC soon after. I've also granted you a member status on the forum - please make sure you're up to date with the rules our raids follow prior to joining the first one.