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Name: Alexander
Age: 17
Nationality: Danish.
Character name: Zélin
Level: 85
Race: Worgen
Class: Mage
Main Spec: Fire
Off Spec: Arcane
Armory Link: … n/advanced
Professions: Engineering 200... I'm going to level Herb as soon as possible - Inscription 511.
Attendance (how often can you raid): I'm able to raid every day except Tuesday since I got Training at 18:30 - 21:30..
Why do you want to leave your current guild?:
I'm in Blood and Sand on my DK. I'd love to raid a bit more than Blood and Sand ( Irl friends in that guild, thats why I joined ;3 )
Previous guilds and progress:
I've been on Bladefist almost my whole wow experience. I've been in Demise which was O.k, but not that great either.
BT - Clear.
Gruul - Clear.
Mag - Clear.
Serp - Missing.
Mount hyjal - Clear.
TK - Clear.
Sunwell - Clear.
ICC norm - Clear.
ICC Heroic - Clear.
Onyx - Clear.
Sarth - clear.
Sarth 3D - Clear.
Ulduar - Clear - Including Algalon.
RS - Clear on my DK.
Nax - A few bosses killed.
BoT - Clear.
BoT Heroic - 1/5. ( Been trying a few times on Sinestra with some friends, extended raid lock )
Bwd Norm - Clear.
Bwd Heroic - 1/6 and tried on Heroic Nef 25 man aswell.
Throne of the four winds norm - Clear
Throne of the four winds HC - Al'akir on my Mage and Conclave on my DK. ( Lol )
Firelands Norm - 7/7
Firelands Heroic - 7/7
Dragon Soul normal - 8/8
Dragon Soul Heroic - 8/8
Why do you want to join TEO?: I'd love to join TEO because I'm looking for a stabil and experienced raiding guild, with some end progress. It seems like TEO is, and I'd love to be a part of that.
Do you know anyone in TEO?: No Sorry :S
What can TEO expect from you? You can expect a Mage with knowledge on each of the encounters in alot of raids, and ofc Dragon Soul. High dps / dmg - Following tacts and know what to do and when to do so. I got a mic and Ventrilo installed. Always ready to raid.
Thanks - Zélin.
Thanks for the application. One question to begin with, aren't you getting a little bit ahead of yourself with the "DS hc 8/8" thing?
Oh shit lol.. Ment 5/8 hc lol... Sorry about that one :3
We will most likely like to offer you a test period, but due certain reasons I'd like to chat in game first. Try to contact me please, I can't do it, since you placed funny letters in your nickname.
Aight sure - Will be on tommorrow around 15 serv time.