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Name: Tomaž
Age: 40
Nationality: Slovenian (marshian)
Character name: Hollyfield
Level: 85
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Main Spec: Retribution
Off Spec: Retribution
Armory Link: … eld/simple
professions: Mining 525
Blacksmiting 400+(i forgot)
Attendance (how often can you raid):
Every day of the week from 19:00 onwards
Why do you want to leave your current guild?: I have none
Previous guilds and progress:I play for 7 years...forgot their names...probbably for a good reason....
Wrath:...Bolvar is KING...
..done:ICC only LK missing,TOC,Naxx 25,OS10/25,EOE.some ulduar...
3/4 Normal
didnt get a chance to raid there
2/2 Normal
6/7 Normal
Dragon soul
through raid finder all
Why do you want to join TEO?
i know about you guys for 7 years and this is my chance to join...
Do you know anyone in TEO?
only from a trade chat...and some rbg s and Bg s
What can TEO expect from you?
well I am dedicated and fair player who will be focused 100% on achiving maximum what is expected of me...I like to talk and Joke...and remain silent when there is no need for words..
Last edited by Holly01 (2012-04-07 13:54:05)
Please provide a link presenting your pve gear.
Even if you're terribly behind in terms of the gear, if you're half as good as you claim you are, we can still find a good use for you.
Expect being swtiched in and out quite a lot in the start, until you get proper gear.