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Character Name: Alyzrazor.
Class: Paladin.
Real life Name: Christian Gade Svendsen.
Gender: Male.
Age: 14.
Country: Denmark.
Spec: HolyMS/RetOS.
Why did you choose this Spec?:I have always been a huge fan of healing, more I can't say.
What do you want to achieve with your character?:I want to achieve being in one of the top raiding guilds on the Server and having a good time raiding instead of people judging each other for making mistakes.
Previous guilds and reason left?:Unprovoked, haven't left yet. I am Horde ATM, but changing if I get in. Got a little problem ATM with character "locked", don't really know what it is so I will just let it get fixed.
Have you changed Main / Realm and if yes why ?:I was first Warlock but it got boring so I changed to Paladin healer which I have found much, much more fun. I changed server from Laughing Skull to Ravencrest because there was no good raiding guilds on that server, and the server was dead.
Have you got any alt's worth mentioning?:I do not have any alts worth mentioning, sorry.
What is your former raid Experience:It is kinda weird, because I have decent experience, but it is spread out on my characters. I got full on normal every raid. Got 6/7 FL HC and 6/8 DS HC for now.
What is your reason for applying?:I want to be in a good raiding guild where people hardly makes any mistakes. Of course I make mistakes and of course you make mistakes, but we are human. If I make mistakes I will apologies as fast as I can.
Why should we offer you trial, what makes you a good asset to our guild?:I am a skilled and friendly Holy Paladin with decent raiding experience. I am only 14 years old, but I don't hope that is a huge problem. ATM I am in a 18+ guild, but I am main healer on their team. They all know my age, but they really want me in.
Please include in your application a link to your Armory profile.: … zor/simple
Thanks for the application, we will get back to you shortly.
Good luck in your guild hunt.