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About me:
Name: Rasmus Hjorthøj Jensen
Nationality: Dane
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Job: Study/Industrial worker
I have been playing wow since vanilla, I started playing priest as my first char back before AQ was released. I joined a guild on Balnazzar, with me as healing priest we downed full MC BWL, and managed to kill Viscidus in the last weeks before BC. In BC I was raiding with the same guild at my priest killed everything up to BT. Then my parents grew too tired seeing me with redeyes every morning so they sat a foot down. And told me to stop and so I did. I did not touch wow before cataclysm release.
Character info:
Character name: Manigon
Race: Human
Played: 83days
Ilevel: (396/395)
Armory link: … n/advanced
FL: 5/7 HC
DS 3/8 HC
I love playing a warrior because of its movability, I like the rage system and it has a nice rotation.
As person I am mostly a dps type. I see the dmg meters as a provocation if I’m not the guy in top. And I will always do my best to be the top dps. I don’t tunnel vision because a dead raid doesn’t make any dps.
From raiding in a 40man guild I learned what dedication is and what it means if people don’t show up. (we have to bring a green geared scrup) so I will always do whats in my power to show up at raids.
Why The Enigma Order
I have not yet been able in cataclysm to find, a guild were I don’t feel that I’m boosting people. I am not a rager at all I just are growing tired of people that can’t push more than 25k dps at any boss even in 4.3