The Enigma Order

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#1 2013-02-18 20:04:41

Guild Member
From: Denmark
Registered: 2013-02-18
Posts: 11

Hunter \\ Trixzí - accepted

Age: 21 \\ 17.03.91
Gender: Male
Country: I'm born and raised in Denmark
Occupation: Currently studying at the University of Aalborg (northern part of jylland)
How good is your English: I will be able to understand proper English and to reply without having to look in a dictionary. Els I would consider my English to be above average.
Anything else about you, the person, we might be interested in: I am a cheerful guy that likes to hang out, talk and have fun online as well as in real life. I like to join
TS/VT just to sit and talk if there are any who want to have some company while leveling or just playing in general.
Els I'm a very open person, so people can ask me anything though it will be depending on the question if I shall reply (here I'm thinking about private questions).
I play The World of Warcraft because I like the social and the raids, I find them entertaining and I have no problem with wipes. To me that only means that there is a challenge to be overcome.


Nickname: Trixzí
Armory Link: … %AD/simple
Main spec: Survival
Off spec: Beast Mastery
Professions: As it looks now Mining/Engineering. Aiming for Engineering/Blacksmith.

Regardless of its quality (ilvl), is you gear fully taken care of? Safe for some specific cases (eg. an item about to be replaced next week),
we expect everything to be gemmed, enchanted and reforged optimally. We will likely consult your profile with Mr. Robot. If you're doing something different than it indicates, please explain the reasoning.

Do you get enough valor on a weekly basis to upgrade your gear as much as possible?
I have only recently dinged lvl 90 but my gear improvements are exponentially improved.

What do you consider the most significant pros and cons of your class/spec in the current state of affairs:
The upsides:
As a hunter you can move around at all time and still complete ones rotation.   
My favorite spells are Feign death, disengage, Deterrence and Readiness. Mostly because they allow me to do stupid stuff and still get away with it in my casual day gaming.
Having a pet! It personalizes the character and is also a very awesome part of being a hunter and now where all the pets have different abilities, only makes it even more fun to have some extra features to your dps setup.
To be both at range and in melee and to be important in the way of having you to MD the right mobs,
or have to kite a pack of mobs (Naxx. Etc.), to lay down a trap and a sure the placement of it to be perfect is an art and something really cool when it works out perfectly!

The downsides:
You are mostly put on killing adds because of the easy target switching as a hunter, this can effect ones dps as everyone else looks at it and will nearly always be commented.
There are some fights where you are to always have your eye out for a debuff you have to remove since the mages have it harder to stop their rotation and dispell, or spellsteal the buff.
The new abilities are not completely balanced, some are way to underpowered, and others still have birth issues, the rest are simply the obvious choice and that makes the hunters so much alike and less personal.
Normally I would say that if the pet die’s you lose way to much dps, but now that they have added the “combat ress pet” (Heart of the Phoenix) it’s not so bad.

Tell us about your alts (armory links included), how good are you with them:
There is a longer story linked to this subject.
I have been playing Wow for around 8 years (since vanilla) where I played a hunter. The account of mine where I played this hunter I played on for 4-5 years (until the account was merged with a battlenet account). Here I decided to stop playing Wow, and to make sure of this to happen I gave my account to one of my friends. In the meantime where Wow went from vanilla to TBC i began to lvl my first Alt which were to be a paladin (at that time I didn't know better tongue ). This I played and raided with for about a year and were in a mid lvl raiding guild. We then became in a need of a tank, and since we had two paladin tanks I volunteered to lvl a feral druid to have as tank/healer OS. This druid I then played until my exit of wow. This exit of mine then were to last for a short period of time and I then felt the need to try out the new raids especially Naxx which I wasn't so lucky to try in vanilla. So in my return in WotLK I join an old friend who had switched server (my friend who had my account merged with his had stopped so there was no problem in me playing). He had started to play in another mid lvl raid guild (before Ulduar). I was accepted in this guild and raided Naxx as casual. Here after I was promoted to 1st team raider and Ulduar was presented. This was my time of glory as a raider. We were ranked as the 71th rank guild under the 25-man Ulduar raiding teams with a Yogg kill. We then continued to Hardmods and had some success but after the nerf it was no fun. After Ulduar I again left Wow to put focus on football (soccer) where I again left my account. This was only to come back again on the same account to play ICC as a hunter but this time as Alliance where I change the faction of my good old vanilla hunter. Here I played casual but hardmode 10-man with some IRL friends. And again left Wow.  Again....  Cata was presented and once again as so many times before I entered the World of Warcraft... Though this time my friend had started to play again as well so I could not return to my old account, here I am that lucky bastard that my little brother as well as i (2 years younger than me). Had played for about the same time as me, tho he had quit the game for good, and therefore gave me the account. He had 3 chars in lvl 80 and I was to lazy to lvl a new hunter, so I began to play Shaman wich I again entered a raiding guild with, but I entered wow again after all the new raid-dungeons had been nurfed so there were no real challenge in killing Firelands (imo.). This had me all pinned down so again, again, again I left only to come back again.
So this is my story, I will link you all of the Chrs that I have played, but my friend have renamed and moved them from their original servers. (The shaman is still as i left it)
Hunter: … t/advanced
Druid: … n/advanced
Shaman: … %A0/simple


Please provide a WoL log presenting your awesomeness. In absence of logs, post screenshots of recount/skada from an encounter of the current tier.
I do not have a WoL, Manigon can support my explanation which is that I have only been lvl 90 and haven’t had much opportunity to join raids.
Without this, you will most likely be rejected. \\ This is taken into consideration.

Which pve addons do you use? DBM - Recount - Omen

Show us your UI. Nothing to see yet, standard UI with the 3 addons just mentioned.

Raiding Experience (be thourough here, the more information you give us, the better; both pre-MoP and present progress is interesting for us; tell us about previous guilds):
Vanilla: ZG(clear), MC(clear), AQ20(can't remember guess would be 2/6)
TBC: Karazhan(Clear), Grull's Lair(Clear), The Eye(3/4), BT(3/9), Mount Hyjal(1/5), Magtheridon's Lair(clear), Serpentshrine Cavern(4/6), Zul'Aman(clear+timed).
WotLK: Naxxramas(clear), The Eye of Eternity(clear), Vault of Archavon(clear), The Obsidian Sanctum(clear), Ulduar 25-man(clear + 7 hardmods pre-nerf), Trial of the Crusader(clear), Onyxia's Lair(clear), Icecrown Citadel 10-man(clear + all hardmods), The Ruby Sanctum(clear)

What attendance should we realistically expect from you (for the sake of clarity, please note that while our Monday and Thursday raids start at 19.30, the Sunday one starts at 18.45). If you can't make it on any of our raiding days on a general basis, do not apply.

Any external factors affecting activity we ought to know about (some flexibility applies, but we really want players able to join all 3 raids a week): Might visit my parents in the western part of Denmark where I might not be able to make the Sunday raid time (this could happen once every 2nd mounts or so).

Why are you good at playing your class (don't qoute Elitist Jerks, don't give us the stuff every semi decent guide holds; convince us you're good your own way):
I know how to play the class underpresure since I know every ability, in my absence I have been talking with my IRL friend (Hentrenson from Method), who have been keeping me posted every now and then. I don't use Elite jerks, since I normally contact Hentrenson for advice. I have tried to raid before and I have discipline when raiding. Progress is what I aim for when I play, and for this I always will do my best.
I have been playing the class for nearly 6 years and I love to play it since it has so many fun abilities. I am a math person and always improve where I can spot a leak in the equation.
And I am a fun guy, a bit shy but that will be gone the sooner I get to know people.

When approaching new content, a fight that both you and the raid will try for the first time, how do you prepare (be precise here, "I read tactics on internet" doesn't cut it; we seen our share of players who" knew tactics for all bosses" and then failed miserably in terms of actual preparations):
Read tactic: What Blizzard have been supplying with the abilities and phases.
Watch how other guilds have done it: Youtube, live stream. NOT only one movie since there are always more than one way of handling a boss fight.
Talk to other well prepared people about the encounter.
Consider what speck would be the best for my dps and survival.
Consider if there will be any disadvanteges for the raid as a whole.
Be asking the stupid questions where I have doubts (Better to ask then to wipe a good try).

Tell us about a single fight where you had some particular assignment, what it was, how you approached it, what research did you do (a good example for dps players used to be Spine of Deathwing heroic).
Feral tank: Ulduar - Yogg normal - Dps and tanking phase 1 tanking adds, phase 2 dps inside of Yogg, phase 3 tanking and DPS. \\ The approach that i mentioned in earlier. Read what blizzard have been giving of information’s about abilities and phases. Watch Videos of the encounter to see the action so I won't be surprised during the encounter. Ask other raiders about what they think would be the better solution to the problem like phase one tanking and moving adds to provide dmg without triggering the clouds. Be talking to other feral druids to how I could optimize my speck for me to do optimal tanking and DPS'ing. Ask the questions like: "Should I double flask during the encounter? (Switch between agility and health flash while in combat to optimize tanking and dps).
Why are you applying to The Enigma Order, what made you choose us, when and where did you first hear about us:
I chose The Enigma Order because my friend Manigon had me interested again and because he is a fun guy and tells me that the guild is a good and solid guild, that has good progress and dedicated people.
What do you expect from us, as a guild:
I expect that people are serious when encountering a new boss or a hardmode, and that there will be a proper sence of communication between people though they might not be the best pals. (Bad karma brings birth to more bad karma).
Els that it is a guild where people play because they like to play and not to look down on others. That the once responsible for order takes it seriously, a bad image effects the guilds members.

Please confirm that you have read and understood our rules and they are ok for you (yes, this is our way to ensure we're not asked somewhat silly questions that are already answered in writing at the Rules section of the forum): I accept the terms and I agreed with the rules of the guild.

When unsure about any aspect of the game, be that tactics, class specific assignments, how do you proceed: Either contact my friend, look it up or ask a fellow guild member.

Why do you play Wow, what are your objectives, why commit more than 10 hours a week to a computer game:
I play wow because I find it social and funny, I like to find new features of the game and try the raids for the challenge.

Is there anything else you would like to include that may assist your application.


Please post Speed Test results. Run it from your place to Frankfurt, Germany.
By  \\  Using the university’s network for all students.
1.    Ping: 81ms – Download: 28.51Mbps – Upload: 7.9 Mbps
2.    Ping: 81ms – Download: 19.93Mbps – Upload: 7.45 Mbps
3.    Ping: 79ms – Download: 34.27Mbps – Upload: 8.23 Mbps
Give us a brief specification of your computer - enough to assure it can handle 25 man raids.
Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU – E8400 @ 3.00 GHz \\ 3.00 GHz
CrossfireX™: 2x ATI Redeon HD 4800 Series

Do you have a working microphone and are you able to connect to TS3 servers?
Yes i have a working microphone and I have been connect to the TS3 server several times.

Should you be accepted, you will be asked to provide your cellphone number to the leading team. This is for the sake of on-going coordination, your number will not be made public nor used for anything not related to the game. Is this ok? No problem for me.



#2 2013-02-18 22:02:36

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Hunter \\ Trixzí - accepted

Thanks for the application. I believe you know the basics of our recruitment situation. With that in mind, we will get back to you in a bit.



#3 2013-02-18 22:14:07

Guild Member
From: Denmark
Registered: 2013-02-18
Posts: 11

Re: Hunter \\ Trixzí - accepted

Sound good, thank you for the quick response.



#4 2013-02-23 13:55:13

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Hunter \\ Trixzí - accepted

First of all, I don't mean to brake the bubble, but looking at the birth date, you're in fact 22, not 21. Sorry to be the barer of bad news.

Second of all and more to the point. I'm afraid that as for now we can't really offer you very much as far as raiding goes. You gear is vastly behind for current content, but with the patch around the corner that's not essential. However, seeing as 5.2 bring limited gear catch up mechanism (some valor and rep items available with time and ToT lfr), I don't really see you catching fast enough to keep up with the current raiders. As you are probably aware, there is another contender for the same spot you're interested in and his gear is just much better.

Also, the fact that your current gear is still quite far from optimal, even at an entry level doesn't convince me. You lack some blue-heroic items, some crafted gear, relevant, justice item upgrades are missing and valor upgrades already applied aren't optimal either. Reforging is also not top -knotch. Professions aren't high enough to grant perks.

Top that off with skipping one or two questions in the template for no obvious reason and trackrecord of multiple "quits" from the game and I suppose you can understand that at this point of time we can't really offer you a great deal.

Notwithstanding the above, you're more than welcomed to stay in the guild as a social member, can never know where a spot opens and it may well happened that at that time your character seems more ready than he is now. I will close the application topic for clarity sake, should you have any questions, talk to me in game.



#5 2013-03-25 20:48:19

Guild Member
From: Denmark
Registered: 2013-02-18
Posts: 11

Re: Hunter \\ Trixzí - accepted

To be added to the application.

I have now maneged to gather some decent gear that I have gemmed and enchanted in the best way that I can figure. The only enchantment missing would be the agi enchant on bracers, but I will make sure that, it will be taken care of. (the amory link hasn't changed)

The Valor cap is always reached within two days or less and spend or saved for gear upgrades (not to be missunderstood that I Upgrade items but that I buy new one's).

Special PvE addons: DBM - Omen - Recount - Grid
Addons in general: DBM - Omen - Recount - Grid - Xperl - Atlasloot - Bagnon - Quartz

My UI while in raid + dps on first boss in ToT (LFR):

As goes for attendence: I am currently studying the same as Manigon and since this is my hobby I would say that the most likely absence from me would be on a sunday, once a mounth but can accure twise in case of something happening in my family (i'ts a 4 hour drive with public transport and it is only possible from 20.00 - 00.00 GMT).

If I have forgotten anything please or if you got some unansawered questions, do ask me here or feel free to contact me in game.

Last edited by Trixzí (2013-03-26 00:38:46)



#6 2013-03-25 20:54:40

Guild Member
From: Denmark
Registered: 2013-02-18
Posts: 11

Re: Hunter \\ Trixzí - accepted

And I am now 22 years old as Lamme pointed out.
And as I have learned in the time between the application and now, Gnomes are the most awesome race in wow. tongue



#7 2013-03-26 01:19:52

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Hunter \\ Trixzí - accepted

Thanks for the update to the application. We will get back to you shortly.



#8 2013-03-26 20:54:24

Registered: 2005-08-21
Posts: 8597

Re: Hunter \\ Trixzí - accepted

Trixzí wrote:

bla bla bla...


Gnomes are the most awesome race in wow.


The weapon will impact your dps greatly, so until that is fixed, we may need to switch you in and on a boss by boss basis.



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